KothapalliLabPSU / US-PA_simulation_codes

Repository for ultrasound simulation codes + additional documentation
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Repository currently under maintenance, will update when code is updated completely.

Ultrasound and Photoacoustic simulation codes

Repository for ultrasound (US) simulation and photoacoustic (PA) simulation codes + additional documentation

This repository contains the MATLAB scripts and the additional documentation necessary for medical ultrasound and photoacoustic simulation. See "US_codes/US_simulation_guide.pdf" for a manual/operation guide on the ultrasound simulations, and "PA_codes/PA_operation_manual.pdf" for the photoacoustic simulation manual.

To download the entire repository, click on the green "Code" button in the top right, and there a zip file of the entire repository can be downloaded. To download a specific script, go to the script, and click the "raw' button at the top right of the viewer. A text-only copy of the script will be opened, which can then be copied into a new Matlab file on the user's computer (make sure to use the same file names if using this method!).

Overlay_USandPA.m is to be used to co-register the US and PA images for a given phantom. After running both the US and PA simulations, the user can use this script to co-register the two images.

Created and managed by the Penn State BioPhotonics and Ultrasound Imaging Lab.