KovaaK / InterAccel

QuakeLive style mouse acceleration across your entire OS and any game
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Interception Acceleration

The included programs allow you to use QuakeLive style mouse acceleration across your entire OS and any game, regardless of whether the game uses RawInput, DirectInput, or whatever else. It makes use of the Interception Driver to capture mouse movements before they are sent to the OS and modify them according to the same math that QL performs.

To install, you need :

  1. Install the 'interception' driver by running 'install_driver.bat' from the "1. driver" folder (It will ask for Admin priviledges)
  2. Install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 if you don't have it.
  3. Reboot. Yes, you actually need to reboot because of first step, or it won't work.

Then after you've rebooted, you should be able to run it. Go to one of the "application" folders and run interGUI.exe. The program will run a configuration wizard to give you a starting point for mouse acceleration, but you are welcome to use whatever settings you prefer.

For the most comprehensive and up-to-date guide on this driver, see N.R.K's GDoc

Important notes:

-povohat & KovaaK