Rebelle is an Objective-C implementation of Promises/A+ with a rebel syntax for an Objective-c project: the classical call syntax used in C, C++ and other languages and which allow you to chain your calls while still having your code readable.
You can follow project changes here and/or coming features here
Any contribution is welcomed!
A promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its
method, which registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled (promises documentation)
That is, a promise allows you to execute actions (blocks) attached to it asynchronously.
Rebelle comes with a sample project. You can check it to see how things work. Or you can read below explanations.
Creating a promise is quite simple:
RBPromise *promise = [RBPromise new];
promise.then(^id(NSString *result) {
// execute any code when succeeded
NSLog(@"success with result %@", result);
return result;
}, ^id(NSException *exception) {
// handle any exception
NSLog(@"failed with exception %@", result);
return exception;
[promise.resolve:@"hello world"]; // Rebelle will automatically call your success or exception callbacks
Now that you know how works a RBPromise, you can actually use it inside your code and return it so that any asynchronous code got executed once resolved.
(This is quick code to show how and when to use promises, but obviously this is not "clean" code)
@implementation WebService
- (RBPromise *)getUser(int id) {
self.promise = [RBPromise new];
NSURLRequest aRequest = // request to server;
// Call the server and get data about user
// If you use classes that use delegates instead of callbacks, then you'll need
// to save your promise inside a class attribute, otherwise just call it inside your blocks
NSURLConnection *connection = [NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:aRequest delegate:self];
// this promise result (when succeeded) should be a User object
return self.promise; // Return your promise so you can add chain blocks on it !
- (RBPromise *)getTweets:(User *)user {
// Same idea than in getUser
// This promise result is an NSArray of Tweet objects
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
[self.promise resolve: // result from the response];
@implementation MyApp
- (RBPromise *)sample {
WebService *ws = [WebService new];
// you
RBPromise *promise = [ws getUser];
promise.then(^id(User *user) { user.lastLoggedIn = new Date(); return user; }, nil)
.then(^id(User *user) { return [ws getTweets:user]; }, nil);
.then(^id(NSArray *tweets) { // This code is executed only when tweets have been downloaded }, nil);
return promise; // You can either return once again your promise so that any upper code chain on it too...
// Everyhing will be resolved in the order when previous code has been executed !
So what does this code ?
For more information about
and the chain syntax used by Rebelle, check the wiki Promise chaining page
Your promise will be marked as failed/rejected if you resolve it with either a NSError
or NSException
The only difference is that NSError
objects are wrapped into a RBErrorException
when passed to the failure block whose signature is (^id(NSException *exception)
/// NSError example
NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"FileDomain" code:0 userInfo:nil];
[promise resolve:error]
.then(nil, ^(RBErrorException *e) { NSLog(@"Domain error is %@", e.error.domain); return e; });
/// NSException example
NSException *e = [NSException exceptionWithName:@"FileNotFoundException" reason:nil userInfo:nil];
[promise resolve:e].then(nil, ^(NSException *e) { NSLog(@"Exception is %@",; return e; });
To install Rebelle the easiest (and preferred way) is through CocoaPods:
Add the project inside your Podfile
pod Rebelle, '~> 1.0.x'
Update your installation
pod install
To be able to have a chainable syntax Rebelle is massively using blocks as properties on RBPromise object instances. So when you're calling then(SuccessBlock, FailureBlock)
you're in fact calling a NSBlock by passing it 2 arguments.
For more information on Promises/A+, check the documentation repository