.. image:: http://github.com/kraymer/cronicle/workflows/build/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/kraymer/cronicle/actions .. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/Kraymer/cronicle/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=eku8LDViVP :target: https://codecov.io/gh/Kraymer/cronicle .. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/kraymer/cronicle.svg :target: https://github.com/Kraymer/cronicle/releases .. image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/cronicle :target: https://pepy.tech/project/cronicle
**/ˈkɹɒnɪkəl/** :
1. *n.* a factual written account of important events in the order
of their occurrence
2. *n.* software to archive the *N* most recent backups of a file in
a folder named after the job frequency. Recommended use is to
trigger it via a cron job.
Originally, cronicle
has been conceived as a solution to this
particular serverfault <https://serverfault.com>
question : How to keep: daily backups for a week, weekly for a month, monthly for a year, and yearly after that <https://serverfault.com/questions/575163/how-to-keep-daily-backups-for-a-week-weekly-for-a-month-monthly-for-a-year-a>
and you're doneIn order to manage a file backups with cronicle, you must have a section
in the config.yaml
that matches the backups names. Under it you can
then define values (number of archives to keep) for the five kinds of
periodic archives : hourly
, daily
, weekly
, monthly
, yearly
Or define a custom periodicity using the pipe syntax eg
bimonthly|60: 3
to keep archives every two months over the last six
If you have dumps of a database in a ~/dumps
directory named like
, mydb-20170102.dump
, and want to keep each
dump for 7 days plus go back up to two months ; a working
content would be :
daily: 7
monthly: 2
Next cronicle
call will result in the creation of folders DAILY
in /home/johndoe/dumps/
, each folder containing
symlinks to the .dump files.
cronicle is written for Python 2.7 <https://www.python.org/downloads/>
and Python 3 <https://www.python.org/downloads/>
, is tested on Linux and Mac OS
Install with pip <https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/>
__ via
pip install cronicle
triggeringFor a no-brainer use, I recommend to run cronicle via cron, just after
the command in charge of performing the backup. A crontab
example :
@daily pg_dump -Fc mydb > /home/johndoe/dumps/mydb-`date +%F`.dump
@daily cronicle -r /home/johndoe/dumps/mydb-`date +%F`.dump
If used with the config.yaml
as defined in the previous section,
this daily call to cronicle guarantees that you will keep at most 9
database dumps (7 latest daily + 2 monthly).
.. |asciicast| image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kraymer/cronicle/master/docs/cronicle_screenshot.png :target: https://asciinema.org/a/155861