Disclaimer: Personally i respect china, chinese government, chinese livestyle and the method they chosed to release the informations about 2019-nCoV to public, but since 2019-nCoV became a public health emergency of international concern we are forced to research it and prepare ourself on it. If chinese government decides that this repository has negative effect on their country or requests us to change it then we do our best to comply. Our intention is to only provide relevant informations about 2019-nCoV, how to prepare ourselfs on it and prevent it from spreading. Once this emergency is over we keep our distance from china's lifestyle if that's what china wants us to do so as i/we always did. Furthermore this repository is made by a person who is not qualified to conduct such research and information so it should not be taken seriously.
Clarification: content prefixed with FIXME:
is work in progress
Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. [1]
FIXME: Man are more susceptible to 2019-nCoV - Verificatio needed
FIXME: Fever - verification needed FIXME: Respiratory issues - verification needed
FIXME: info
FIXME: info