Kreyren / git-workspace

Sync personal and work git repositories from multiple providers :rocket:
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If your company has a large number of repositories and your work involves jumping between a lot of them then git-workspace can save you some time by:

This may sound useless, but the "log into your git provider, browse to the project, copy the clone URL, devise a suitable path to clone it" dance can be a big slowdown. The only obvious solution here is to spend more time than you'll ever spend doing this in your whole life on writing a tool in Rust to do it for you.

Table of Contents

Install :cd:

Homebrew (MacOS + Linux)

brew tap orf/brew, then brew install git-workspace

Binaries (Windows)

Download the latest release from the github releases page. Extract it and move it to a directory on your PATH.


Don't do this, it's pretty slow: cargo install git-workspace

Usage :saxophone:

Git is really annoying and hijacks the --help flag for subcommands. So to get help use git-workspace --help, not git workspace --help.

$ git-workspace --help
git-workspace 0.7.0
Tom Forbes <>
Manage and update personal and work git repos from multiple providers

    git-workspace --workspace <workspace> <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       
            Prints help information

    -V, --version    
            Prints version information

    -w, --workspace <workspace>    
             [env: GIT_WORKSPACE=/Users/tom/PycharmProjects/]

    add                Add a provider to the configuration
    fetch              Fetch new commits for all repositories in the workspace
    help               Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    list               List all repositories in the workspace
    run                Run a git command in all repositories
    switch-and-pull    Pull new commits on the primary branch for all repositories in the workspace
    update             Update the workspace, removing and adding any repositories as needed

Define your workspace

A workspace is the directory that git-workspace will manage for you, filling it with projects cloned from your providers. To configure this just set a GIT_WORKSPACE environment variable that points to an empty directory. For example:

export GIT_WORKSPACE=~/projects

Provider credentials

Both Github and Gitlab require personal access tokens to access their GraphQL endpoints. Create an access token here:

Export these tokens as GITHUB_TOKEN and GITLAB_TOKEN in your shell.

Adding providers

You can use git workspace add to quickly add entries to your workspace.toml:

Multiple configs

Git workspace will read from any workspace*.toml file under your $GIT_WORKSPACE directory.

Updating your workspace

Running git workspace update will:

  1. Fetch all repositories from your providers
  2. Clone any new repositories that are not present locally
  3. Move any deleted repositories to $GIT_WORKSPACE/.archived/ for posterity

Fetching all changes

git workspace fetch will run git fetch on all projects.

Switch projects :repeat:

git workspace list will output the names of all your projects. You can integrate this with whatever tool you wish to provide a way to quickly search for and select repositories.

Fish, with fzf

The following fish shell snippet gives you a open-project [search-string] command you can use to search for and open projects. It combines the git workspace list command with fzf, and opens the project path with your $EDITOR:

# ~/.config/fish/functions/
function open-project -d "Open a project"
  set filter "$argv"
  set chosen_project (git workspace list | fzf -q "$filter")
  if string length -q -- $chosen_project
     $EDITOR $GIT_WORKSPACE/$chosen_project
     pushd $GIT_WORKSPACE/$chosen_project

Bash, with fzf

Contributed by a user:

wsp() {
    if [[ "$#" == "0" ]]; then
    cd ${GIT_WORKSPACE}/$(git workspace list | fzf $fzf_arg "$@")

Contributing :bug:

This is my first 'proper' Rust project. If you're experienced with Rust you might puke at the code, but any feedback to help me improve would be greatly appreciated!

If you want to contribute then just go for it. cargo install should get you ready to go. Be warned: there are currently no tests :bomb:. I run integration tests with Github Actions, but that's about it. It's on my to-do list, I promise :tm:.