This library will let programmers add a print screen capability to their projects. There are 2 functions: 1) SaveBMP24 and 2) DrawBMP24 so you can save and draw images. The created imagtes are 24-bit BMP files As this library requires and SD card there are 2 versions of the functions 1) for SD.h and 2) SdFat.h. The functions are simple inline and don't require any object creation. The goal was to make implementation simple such as
The functiion names in either .h are the same.
To save a screen shot, make a call like this
SaveBMP24(&display_object, chip select pin, "the_file.bmp");
To draw a BMP file to the screen, make a call like this
DrawBMP24(&display_object, chip select pin, "the_file.bmp");
You need not initialize and SD card or even include the SD librar, all that is done in inside the functions.
While this library was created for the ILI9341_t3 and intended for Teensy-based MCU's, the library may be adaptable to other display drivers provide the driver has a method getPixel(). At the time of posting, I don't know of any lib other that the ILI9341_t3.h that support the getPixel() method.