KrishnaJallipalliQ / dummy-C-

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Blood Bank Management System - C# Desktop App

Blood Bank Management System, App that manages the detail of the donor in Blood Bank for easy access and management.

Complete Tutorial:

YouTube Channel:

Tools and Technologies Used

  1. C# Programming Language
  2. MS SQL Server 2014
  3. Microsoft Visual Studio (2015)
  4. Git & Github (Version Control)


  1. Manage Users (Add, Update, Search, Delete)
  2. Simple Authentication (Login/Logout)
  3. Manage Donors (Add, Update, Search, Delete)
  4. Dashboard to view Donors by Blood Group



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Instructions to Use

  1. Download or Clone this project
  2. Extract and Restore Database
  3. Go to App Config
  4. Update your Connection String
  5. You are Ready to Go

Note: comment on YouTube if you got any problems or email:

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