KristianDamPedersen / vmsc

MIT License
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VMSC - VM's for School Chromebooks

Pronounced "Wimsy"


To combat the ever-increasing lock-in forced on students across the world. This project aims to provide login-free browser based access to fully fledged Linux virtual machines, to be used in classrooms and other educational settings.

Getting started with local development

To get started developing locally, first make sure you have the prerequisite Docker, Elixir and Erlang/OTP runtimes installed. We start by installing the dependencies for the project:

mix deps.get

We then need to configure the appropriate environment variables. First create the .env file, by copying the provided template:

cp .dev.env.template .dev.env

The postgres settings should be set as follows:


This is obviously just for local development, we use proper secrets in production.

The DATABASE_URL is a combination of some of the information above, and for local development is set as such:


Lastly we need to generate a secret key that gets used for some encryption behind the scenes, to get the key you can run

mix phx.gen.secret

This secret can then be copied into the SECRET_KEY_BASE field in the environment file. After this you should be able to compose the application by running docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d.

Using hot reloading

It is often more convenient to develop the application outside of Docker, in order to take advantage of hot reloading, debugging and other non-production features. To do this you have to export all the variables we defined into your shell, and then you should be able to run the following command to run the server.

mix phx.server

Installation and setup

To start your Phoenix server:

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.

Learn more