Kroc / NoNonsenseForum

A free, open source, PHP-based simple discussion forum. It favours removing barriers to conversation rather than massaging egos. Download Here:
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NoNonsense Forum v26 © Copyright (CC-BY) Kroc Camen 2010-2015

A simple forum that focuses on discussion and simplicity.

How NoNonsense differs from other forums:

:: No database Threads are just RSS feeds. When a reply is added, a new item is added to the feed.

:: No hoops to jump through No registration, no e-mail confirmation, no CAPTCHA. Just type your message, give a name and password you want to use and your post is made. Use the same name / password pair in the future to keep the same name, it’s that simple.

:: No clutter No user profiles. No "status updates". No signatures. No user ranks. Just pure discussion with none of the cruft.


[1] Admin & Moderators [1.1] Set Up [1.2] Sign-in [2] Things to Note [2.1] Post Appending [2.2] Post Deleting [3] Sub-forums [4] Lock & Sticky Threads [5] Forum Locking [5.1] Members [5.2] A Note on Private Forums [6] Acknowledgements

[1] Admin & Moderators

[1.1] Set Up:

The first thing you need to do is provide a username for the admin, and any moderators you would like

Kroc theraje SpeedoJoe

NOTE: Make sure that admin and mod accounts are created (by posting once), otherwise anybody could steal the name and take control!

[1.2] Sign-in:

Some moderator actions require the user to sign-in.

[2] Things to Note:

[2.1] Post Appending:

Because threads are RSS feeds, the text to HTML conversion that happens when you post is one-way. You cannot edit posts, other than manually editing the RSS file. Instead, text can be appended to the end of posts.

[2.2] Post Deleting:

To avoid abuse, users cannot permanently delete their own posts.

[3] Sub-forums:

Sub-forums are simply folders.

[4] Lock & Sticky Threads:

Locked threads cannot be replied to. Sticky threads remain at the top of a forum, regardless of page.

[5] Forum Locking:

The root forum and / or sub-forums can be individually restricted:



[5.1] Members:

Members are users who are not restricted in a locked forum, but do not have moderator powers; they are your participants in restricted forums.

[5.2] A Note on Private Forums:

NoNonsense Forum does not provide an option for private forums (can only be accessed by members) because the index RSS feed (which includes the text of posts being made in the forum) cannot be protected without the use of ".htpasswd" based password-protection.

If you want a private forum / sub-forum, protect the relevant directory using ".htpasswd". Instructions are not provided here on how to configure ".htpasswd" protection as it requires basic server admin skills and some knowledge of using ".htaccess" files.

The users defined in the ".htpasswd" file will have to have the same password as their NoNonsense Forum username.

[6] Acknowledgements:

See LICENCE.txt for licence details

I'd like to thank the following individuals for suggesting ideas or contributing directly to NoNonsense Forum.

I'd like to also thank the users of Camen Design Forum

for testing and support. Name Issue ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1seann [github] * Discovering path error in sitemap.xml bh8(dot)vn & zuchto * Suggestion to improve transliteration further * Fallback if "iconv" is missing Bruno Héridet * Duplicate ID in the HTML * Major DOMTemplate bug munging querystrings David Hund * Code typo in `DOMDocument` * Major DOMTemplate bug munging querystrings folderol * Reporting of Apache "NOYB" identifier fyra * IDN URLs * UTF-8 characters no longer hex-encoded in the output gardener * Critical typo in "lang.example.php" JBark * Use `clearstatcache` to ensure index ordering is right * Accidental double-`` to favicon JJ * Wrong usage of PHP header function * Add "noindex, nofollow" to delete page * Blockquote syntax idea Jon Gjengset / Jonhoo * Original "Grayscale" theme * Original mobile theme * `$` alternative syntax for code blocks * Read-locking of threads during writes * Help with HTTPS support * Raised issue with PHP short tags * Delete message the same when deleting thread and post * Many HTML & CSS fixes Jose Pedro Arvela / jparvela * Changing `static::` to `self::` * Suggestion for "@user" syntax * Regex backtrace limit Martijn/Zegnat * Lynx support * Use `rel="nofollow external"` on external links * Improved ".htaccess" compatibility with Mac OS * Title-line self links (this was quite complex) * Duplicate appends * Help with various transliteration aspects * Better whitespace trimming * Help fixing missing "?" in no-HTACCESS URLs * Constant support improving the UTF-8 handling * Major DOMTemplate bug munging querystrings nkrs * Opera speed dial help Nicolai * Unecessary ChromeFrame header in ".htaccess" Nikolai * Changing `static::` to `self::` * Opera speed dial help oldtimes * Original suggestion to transliterate thread titles Paul M * Lock button sometimes showing by accident Philip Butkiewicz * Fix up ` Githubissues.
  • Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.