Krombik / html2react

Transmute HTML markup into React components
MIT License
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Lightweight library that allows you to convert HTML markup to React components on the client and server side, while providing flexibility in handling tags, attributes, and text segments.


using npm:

npm install --save react-html-string-parser

or yarn:

yarn add react-html-string-parser

or pnpm:

pnpm add react-html-string-parser



Component to convert HTML string into React components

type HTML2ReactProps = {
  html: string;
  components?: Record<
    ComponentType<Record<string, any>> | keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements
  attributes?: Record<string, string>;
  converters?: Record<string, (value: string, tag: string) => any>;
  processTextSegment?(segment: string, parentMeta: Meta): ReactNode;
    tag: string
    | ComponentType<Record<string, any>>
    | keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements
    | undefined;
  shouldBeIgnored?(tag: string, props: Record<string, any>): boolean;
  withMeta?: boolean;

const HTML2React: FC<HTML2ReactProps>;
Prop Description
html The HTML string to be converted into React components.
components? Custom tag components to replace HTML tags. Keys are not case sensitive. If a component is not provided, the corresponding HTML tag will be used.
getComponent? Returns a component for the given tag if it is not found in components. If it returns undefined, the tag will be used as a component.
attributes? Map HTML attributes to corresponding React props. If the attribute is not specified, it will be passed as is.
converters? Converters for processing attribute values. If no converter is provided, the property will be of type string.
processTextSegment? Method to process and transform string parts of HTML content.
shouldBeIgnored? Determines if a tag should be ignored based on the tag name and its props.
withMeta? If true, adds metadata to each component in the form of a _meta prop, allowing for additional contextual information.


import HTML2React from 'react-html-string-parser/HTML2React';

  html='<div><h1>Title</h1><br><p>Paragraph</p><br /><button data-attribute="any" tabindex="1">Button</button>text</div>'
    h1: ({ children }) => <h3>{children}</h3>,
    p: 'div',
    script: () => null,
  attributes={{ tabindex: 'tabIndex' }}
  converters={{ tabIndex: (value) => +value }}

both lines below will have the same parse result

// the line below contains extra spaces, an unclosed `<p>` tag,
// the `class` attribute is not quoted, the `disabled` attribute is a boolean
'<div><p>Paragraph<button\n   class=any    disabled\n>Button</button>text</div>';

'<div><p>Paragraph<button class="any" disabled="true">Button</button>text</p></div>';


Converter for style attribute

const styleConverter: (value: string) => CSSProperties;


import HTML2React from 'react-html-string-parser/HTML2React';
import styleConverter from 'react-html-string-parser/styleConverter';

  html='<p style="margin-top: 25px; margin-bottom:10px;">text</p>'
  converters={{ style: styleConverter }}


MIT © Krombik