KronBjorn / SixInchRack

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This is a project for 6" cabinets and rack enclusures.

For pictures have a look here:

The project is a scaled down version of the familiar 19" rack standard, with the following size:

It is designed for the 20x20 extruded aluminium profile, but a profile can also be printed.

I want to print a simple blank six inch cabinet

Go Thingiverse and locate this build: In the customizer you specify how many units you need in height, and depth in mm you need. Alternatively, fetch these files from the repository:...

I want to print a simple six inch rack enclosure for cabinets

Go Thingiverse and locate this build: In the customizer you specify which parts you need. Alternatively, fetch these files from the repository:...

I want to print a 6" cabinet for a specific component

Either go to thingiverse where you can find the stl's and pictures, or download the stl's form this repository. Currently the following components are supported by the community:

I want to make a new cabinet for my favourite module

Start by inspecting this file for inspiration _RackCabinets/RaspberryPiModelB/usbback.scad, and take a look at the how to section below.

  1. Create a new file that includes _sixinchlibrary.scad
  2. Customize all the parts needed for your cabinet
  3. Create a new folder with you project, and anything else needed like print descriptions
  4. If you like, create a Thingiverse build with pictures and your stl, and add a link in this file

Quick How To

A cabinet consist of five parts:

In a new file, include _sixinchlibrary.scad. For each of the parts, there is module in the library where you can specify the most commonly used features like round and square holes, and pegs for supporting PCB's etc. The following examples are for Raspberry Pi 3 cabinet.
The deafult modules obviously does not support everything you need, but should give you a good start for further customization. Feel free to add functionality to the library.

Front Plate

square_hole        = [];
round_hole         = [[65 ,7.5, 3.1],[69.5 ,7.5, 3.1]];
round_peg          = [];   
screw_side_front   = [];
screw_top          = [36];
screw_bottom_front = [36];
units              = 2; 


units              = 2;
lay_flat_for_print = true;   


screw_bottom_front = [36];
screw_side_front   = [];
round_peg          = [[w,h,6,2.8,4],
depth              = 98;
units              = 2;


depth = 98;
units = 2;
screw_front = [36];//mm
screw_back  = [36];//mm

Back plate

square_hole  = [[37 ,3, 17, 15] , [57 ,4, 15, 16] , [75,4,15,16] ];
round_hole   = [[6,5,6],[6,1,6], [24,3.5,3.5],[24,1.2,3.5]  ,[30,3.5,3.5],[30,1.2,3.5]];
screw_top    = [36];//mm
screw_bottom = [36];//mm
screw_side   = [];
depth        = 98;
units        = 2;