Kruithne / wow.export

📦 Export Toolkit for World of Warcraft
MIT License
250 stars 55 forks source link

📦 wow.export Build Status

wow.export is a node-webkit port of Marlamin's WoW Export Tools which provides tools for extracting and converting files from the World of Warcraft game client or public CDN servers.



To install wow.export, navigate to the site and download the latest version. That's it!

OSX/Linux: We are currently not producing builds targeted for non-Windows builds. If you wish to use wow.export on OSX or Linux, you will need to compile your own build from the source. See GH-1 for known issues.


When an update to wow.export is available, you will be prompted in the application to update. This process is done entirely automatically once you accept the update!

Building (Developers Only)

git fetch
npm install

# This will list available builds.
node ./build.js

# This will compile -all- available builds.
node ./build.js *

# Substitute <BUILD> for the build(s) you wish to compile, space-delimitated.
node ./build.js <BUILD1> <BUILD2> ...

Debugging (Developers Only)

Note: Debugging is currently only supported on Windows.

To debug wow.export, compile a win-x64-debug build using the build script. This will produce a bare-bones build using the SDK framework and without any production polish. Upon starting the debug version, DevTools will be automatically launched alongside the application.

For the debug build, source code will not be compiled, rather a symlink is created. This means changes to the source code are instantly reflected in the application, simply run chrome.runtime.reload() in DevTools console to refresh sources (pressing F5 does not drop references and will lead to memory leaks).

To quickly launch the debug build from the project directory, run node debug from your terminal. This will also handle compilation of .scss files both on startup and when changes are detected (allowing styling to be hot-reloaded via DevTools).