Krysl / WebSwitcher

【油猴脚本】WebSwitcher: 在百度、谷歌之间切换搜索结果
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WebSwitcher: 在百度、谷歌之间切换搜索结果


  1. 在百度、谷歌搜索时,可点击搜索栏边上的相应按钮切换到对应网站搜索同一结果;
  2. 可使用快捷键 Alt + SCtrl + Shift + Enter 触发切换搜索;

WebSwitcher v0.3.0



  1. 添加配置界面;



  1. 优化启动速度;


  1. 上一版本Google页面的百度图标太小不易点击,所以扩大大小;
  2. 修复Google页面滚动后百度图标错位;


  1. 快捷键 Alt + S / Ctrl + Shift + Enter 触发切换搜索

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欢迎到GithubOpenUserJSGreasy Fork上提出反馈意见。

本脚本使用Vue v3TypeScript、TSX编写,使用Webpack v5来打包.

编译开发可参考以下文档: (基于Trim21webpack-userscript-template 工程模版开发 )

This is a project help you build userscript with webpack

Just use this git repo as a template.



  1. Allow Tampermonkey's access to local file URIs tampermonkey/faq
  2. install deps with npm i or npm ci.
  3. npm run dev to start your development.
  4. open webpack-userscript-template/dist/ in your Chrome and install it with your userscript manager.

this userscript's meta contains // @require file://path/to/dist/, it will run the code in, which take src/js/index.js as entry point.

every times you edit your metadata, you'll have to install it again, because Tampermonkey don't read it from dist every times.

  1. edit src/js/index.js with es6, you can even import css or less files. You can use scss if you like.
  2. go wo and open console, you'll see it's working.

livereload is default enabled, use this chrome extension


use typescript as normal, see example


There are two ways to using a package on npm.

UserScript way

like original UserScript way, you will need to add them to your user script metadata's require section , and exclude them in config/webpack.config.base.js

Webpack way

just install a package and import it in your js file. webpack will pack them with in your final production js file.


npm run build

dist/ is the finally script. you can manually copy it to greaskfork for deploy.

auto deploy

github actions will deploy production userscript to gh-pages branch.



You can auto use greskfork's auto update function.