Kuenaimaku / lancer-briefings

self-contained site for presenting LANCER mission briefs to players
MIT License
49 stars 228 forks source link

Netlify Status

Lancer Briefings

Live Demo (No Room for a Wallflower Spoilers)

Go over mission briefings within the LANCER Universe in style by showing your players a fully animated mission briefing screen, with a Mirrorsmoke Mercenary Company theme.



npm install

Build Scripts

npm run dev - Serve the webapp with hot reloads (for development work)
npm run build - Build for production
npm run serve - Locally preview production build


Customization is handled in a couple of places.


This file holds a majority of the colors, fonts, and sizes of the webapp. Play around with the values in the marked customization section.


This file houses the VantaJS background used in the web application. Go to the site, mess with the different effect options, and once you're ready, replace the VANTA.WAVES script with your customized one. Note that if you use a different effect, you'll have to replace the script url above it with one from their CDN repository.

/public folder

This folder holds all of the assets.


This file contains the basic structure of the entire application - and houses the data for all the various places. within the file, find the data() method. Edit this to change what missions are available, which one loads initially, set the pilot information, and change what the header says. Below are the values you might have to change.

Hosting Recommendations

I would strongly recommend using Netlify for hosting, as there's no cost for hosting, has Continuous Deployment, and they'll provide a url. Register for an account, and click the New Site from Git button.
On the next page, pick the git service you used to fork this repo with, and authenticate. On the next page, select the lancer-briefings repository. If you can't see the repository listed on the page, click the Can’t see your repo here? Configure the Netlify app on <git site> link at the bottom of the page.
Finally, make sure the branch being deployed is master, the base directory field is blank, the build command is npm run build, and the publish directory is dist.

Once the site builds remotely, click on the link provided in the site overview tab and make sure everything looks right.

Alternatively, if you use github, you can probably rely on github-pages. Take a look at the vite documentation for more info.

Usage within FoundryVTT

install the Inline Webviewer module and use the new button to send websites to your players - namely this one. Best viewed at 1920x1080.