KunZhou9646 / seq2seq-EVC

This is the implementation of our Interspeech 2021 paper: Limited data emotional voice conversion leveraging text-to-speech: two-stage sequence-to-sequence training.
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Seq2seq-EVC with Two-Stage Training

This is the implementation of our Interspeech 2021 paper "Limited data emotional voice conversion leveraging text-to-speech: two-stage sequence-to-sequence training".https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.16809

Implementation Details

The text encoder is 3-layer of 1D CNN with a kernel size of 5 and the channel of 512, followed by 1-layer of 256-cell BLSTM and a fully connected (FC) layer with the output channel of 512. The seq2seq ASR encoder consists of an encoder which is a 2-layer 256-cell BLSTM, and a decoder which is a 1-layer 512-cell LSTM with an attention layer and followed by a FC layer with the output channel of 512. The style encoder is 2-layer of 128-cell BLSTM followed by a FC layer with the output channel of 128. The classifier is 4-layer of FC with the channel of {512, 512, 512, 99}. The seq2seq decoder follows the same model architecture of the one used in Tacotron [1]. During pre-training, we set the learning rate as 0.0001 for 200 epochs. For the emotion adaptation, we set the learning rate as 0.0001 and half it every 7 epochs. We set the batch size as 64 and 32 for pre-training and adaptation respectively. The WaveRNN vocoder predicts 9-bits waveform with mu-law companding. Its implementation follows a publicly available version: https://github.com/fatchord/WaveRNN

Note: The codes are based on Non-parallel Speaker Voice Conversion: https://github.com/jxzhanggg/nonparaSeq2seqVC_code

[1] Y. Wang, R. Skerry-Ryan, D. Stanton, Y. Wu, R. J. Weiss, N. Jaitly, Z. Yang, Y. Xiao, Z. Chen, S. Bengioet al., “Tacotron:Towards end-to-end speech synthesis,” Proc. Interspeech 2017,pp. 4006–4010, 2017.


We use ESD database, which is an emotional speech database that can be downloaded here: https://hltsingapore.github.io/ESD/. To run the codes, you first need to customize your data path correctly, and generate phoneme transcriptions with Festival. More details can be found in https://github.com/jxzhanggg/nonparaSeq2seqVC_code.

To run the codes:

1. Installation

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Pre-processing for Stage I: Style Pre-training

You need to download VCTK corpus and customize it accordingly, and then perform feature extraction:

$ cd reader
$ python extract_features.py (please customize "path" and "kind", and edit the codes for "spec" or "mel-spec")
$ python generate_list_mel.py

3. Stage I: Style Pre-training

The pre-training procedure is same as the pretraining in https://github.com/jxzhanggg/nonparaSeq2seqVC_code. You can download the pre-trained models from Stage I: Style Initialization here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hRa-dygp1kBdp2IPKMPhGRdv9x5MT9o4/view?usp=sharing. With the released pre-trained models, you can directly perform Stage II: Emotion Training. If you would like to pre-train it by yourself, you can try the following:

$ python train.py -l logdir \
-o outdir --n_gpus=1 --hparams=speaker_adversial_loss_w=20.,ce_loss=False,speaker_classifier_loss_w=0.1,contrastive_loss_w=30.

4. Pre-processing for Stage II: Emotion Training

You need to download ESD corpus and customize it accordingly, and then perform feature extraction:

$ cd reader
$ python extract.py (please customize "path" and "kind", and edit the codes for "spec" or "mel-spec")
$ python generate_list_mel.py

5. Stage II: Emotion Training

$ python train.py -l logdir \
-o outdir_emotion_IS --n_gpus=1 -c '/home/zhoukun/nonparaSeq2seqVC_code-master/pre-train/outdir/checkpoint_234000 (The path to your Pre-trained models from Stage I)' --warm_start

6. Run-time Inference

(1) Generate emotion embedding from the emotion encoder:

Please remember to customize the paths in hparam.py...

$ cd conversion
$ python inference_embedding.py -c '/home/zhoukun/nonparaSeq2seqVC_code-master/fine-tune/outdir_emotion_update/checkpoint_3200 [YOUR EMOTION TRAINING CHECKPOINT]' --hparams speaker_A='Neutral',speaker_B='Happy',speaker_C='Sad',speaker_D='Angry',training_list='/home/zhoukun/nonparaSeq2seqVC_code-master/fine-tune/reader/emotion_list/testing_mel_list.txt',SC_kernel_size=1

(2) Convert the source speech to the target emotion: [FOR EXAMPLE: convert emotion D to emotion A]

$ cd conversion
$ python inference_A.py -c '/home/zhoukun/nonparaSeq2seqVC_code-master/pre-train/outdir_emotion_update/checkpoint_3200[YOUR EMOTION TRAINING CHECKPOINT]' --num 20 --hparams validation_list='/home/zhoukun/nonparaSeq2seqVC_code-master/fine-tune/reader/emotion_list/evaluation_mel_list.txt',SC_kernel_size=1

Please customize inference.py to generate your intended emotion type.