KungfoosianOrg / anthony-cloud-resume

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Hello and welcome to my AWS cloud resume repository, following the Cloud Resume Challenge!

I will do my best to walk you through this repo

From top to bottom, starting from root of repo (/):

Folder /mocks contains Jest mocks for Jest JS unit testing

Folder /.github/workflows contains GitHub Actions workflows, and within it:

- deploy-site-to-s3.yml:
  + (7/12/2024) Dynamically updates the API endpoint in the /github/scripts/visitorCounter.js using repo secrets
  + (before 7/12/2024, I was very lazy with documenting, still am...) validates HTML, run Jest unit testing, and sync all files in the /github folder to AWS S3

- publish_visitorcounter_lambda.yml:
  + (7/17/2024) Added integration for Slack webhook, added repo secrets for the integration, updated workflow to override SAM template parameters without using the samconfig.toml file
  + (7/12/2024) Run Python unittest for Python Lambda code in the /aws folder, create SAM app on AWS with Lambda code, updates the repository secret for API endpoint and calls the deploy-site-to-s3.yml workflow if necessary

Folder /aws contains code for Lambda function(s) of the same name:

- sendSlackMessage: for Slack integration, use SNS to trigger Lambda to send a message to Slack webhook

- visitorCounter: backend Lambda logic to talk to DynamoDB, updating a visitor counter that connects to front end logic, which is stored in /github/scripts 

Folder /cypress contains everything related to Cypress JS testing, used for E2E testings

Folder /github contains HTML, CSS, JS for front end website

Folder /tests contains all tests for code in this repo

/samconfig.toml contains default parameters for when a SAM stack is deployed

/setupJest.js sets up Jest testing

/template.yaml AWS CloudFormation template for when a SAM stack is deployed


Running unit test(s)

From the root (/) of this repo:

Running End-to-End (E2E) testing

From the root (/) of this repo:

  1. Run 'npm install' to install all dependencies
  2. Run 'npx cypress open'

Running code

From the root (/) of this repo:

- Javascript:
  1. Install Javascript
  2. Run 'npm install' to install all dependencies

- Python:
  1. Install Python 3.x
  2. Run the code and manually install all the packages because I didn't bother to put a requirements.txt file (TODO)