Experimental package dealing with exporting [[https://github.com/kungsgeten/org-brain][org-brain]] to other formats. VERY EARLY development.
Add =org-brain-export.el= to your load-path and require it. You must also have the following packages installed (available from MELPA):
Export targets
At the moment there's some support for HTML export and GraphViz =dot= export.
| =M-x org-brain-export-html= | Exports whole brain to HTML, saved at =org-brain-export-html-file=. |
** Graphviz =dot=
| =M-x org-brain-export-dot= | Export whole brain to =dot= format. | | =M-x org-brain-export-dot-entry= | Export current entry to =dot=. Respects descendants/ancestors in mind-map mode. |
The function =org-brain-export-generate-data= takes an =org-brain= entry and returns an alist. That alist contains much of the relevant information you'll need regarding the entry. At the moment resources aren't included.
+Export a part of the brain+
CSS and maybe JS for HTML export.
Edge annotations in =dot= export.
More testing