KunlingHuang / stat992_note

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The table under tables/tableofSNPs.csv is not formatted correctly: the numbers in the second column have commas in it.


In order to fix the problem, I wrote a single line using sed to remove the commas betweens the digits in column "Minimum". sed -E 's/"([0-9]*),?([0-9]+),([0-9]+)"/\1\2\3/' tables/tableofSNPs.csv > tables/new.csv

I also wrote a single line to check if I was doing correctly. If the screen prints a single "success", then it means I am right. sed -E 's/([^,].*),([^,].*),([^,].*)/"success"/g' tables/new.csv | sort | uniq

extra task

I changed all Ts to As and all As to Ts by sed 's/T/t/g' tables/new.csv | sed 's/A/T/g' | sed 's/t/A/g'

The .csv file with correct format will be tables/new.csv.

binomial coefficient exercise

The binomial coefficient exercise .py file is scripts/binomial.py