KunstmaanLegacy / KunstmaanAdminNodeBundle

THIS REPO IS DEPRECATED: see KunstmaanNodeBundle. The KunstmaanAdminNodeBundle for Symfony 2 is part of the bundles we use to build custom and flexible applications at Kunstmaan. You have to install this bundle in order to work with nodes and pagetypes.
MIT License
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THIS REPO IS DEPRECATED: see KunstmaanNodeBundle.

KunstmaanAdminNodeBundle by Kunstmaan


The KunstmaanAdminNodeBundle for Symfony 2 is part of the bundles we use to build custom and flexible applications at Kunstmaan. You have to install this bundle in order to work with nodes and pagetypes.

View screenshots and more on our github page.

Build Status

Installation requirements

You should be able to get Symfony 2 up and running before you can install the KunstmaanAdminNodeBundle.

Installation instructions

Assuming you have installed composer.phar or composer binary:

$ composer require kunstmaan/adminnode-bundle

Add the KunstmaanAdminNodeBundle to your AppKernel.php file:

new Kunstmaan\AdminNodeBundle\KunstmaanAdminNodeBundle(),


Kunstmaan (support@kunstmaan.be)


You can also clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone git://github.com/Kunstmaan/KunstmaanAdminNodeBundle