Kunwar-bir-singh / MERN

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This MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) project allows users to search for professions in specific cities. If the profession is found, users can view details of providers linked with that profession. If the profession is not found, users can create a new profession. The system supports two types of users: normal users and providers. Providers have the ability to create new professions or link with existing ones. Middleware functionality restricts unauthorized access, allowing only logged-in users to access certain routes.


Profession Search: Users can search for professions in specific cities.

Provider Details: Users can view details of providers linked with a profession.

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Profession Creation: Users can create new professions if they are not found in the system.

Provider Actions: Providers can create new professions or link with existing ones.

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Edit Details: Ability to change the profile picture and edit user details.

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User Roles: Two types of users are supported: normal users and providers.

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User Authentication: JWT-based authentication ensures secure access to routes and features.

Middleware Functionality: Unauthorized users are restricted from accessing certain routes based on their authentication status and user role.

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Technologies Used

Frontend: React.js, React Router, Bootstrap

Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose

Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

Middleware: Nextjs middleware for route protection

Other Tools: Sonner from toasts, bcrypt for password hashing


Clone the repository: git clone MERN

Navigate to the project directory: cd MERN

Navigate to the "client_nextjs" directory: cd client_nextjs

Install dependencies: npm install

Start the frontend server: npm start

Navigate to the "server" directory from the root directory: cd server

Install dependencies: npm install

Set up environment variables: Create a .env file and configure environment variables (e.g., database connection string, JWT secret)

Start the server: nodemon server.js

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the application


Sign up or log in to access the full functionality of the application.

Use the search feature to find professions in specific cities.

View details of providers linked with a profession if available.

Create a new profession if it is not found in the system.

Providers can create new professions or link with existing ones from their dashboard.

Pending Work

UI Bug Fixes

Add bookmarking of particular providers.

Allow reset/recovery of password.

Unlink from a profession.

Provider the toggle of availability/unavailability for the provider.

Allow login/signup through Google.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests.