KuriKai / DHTP

DOOM High Resolution Texture Project
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DOOM High-resolution Texture Project


The DHTP (DOOM High-resolution Texture Project) is a community driven project that had is birth as the D2RP (Doom 2 Retexture project). That project initially had a good start, but was unfortunately misguided during the course of its development, and couldn't realistically be rescued without a lot of attention. Thus, JDTP (jdoom texture pack) came into being (Thanks to Chilvence). To repair the damage and salvage what could be salvaged. Now it has grown into the DHTP which is a continuation of the JDTP but with all high resolution texture capable ports in mind.

The main goal of the DHTP is to provide the community with a space to easily contribute their own works, as well as offering a steady stream of feedback from both site visitors and administrators. It will also be a lot more tightly controlled than its predecessor, in regards to both copyrights and quality control.

Copyright / Permissions


Build Instructions

Requirements: Linux
git clone git@github.com:KuriKai/DHTP.git

Requirements: Windows10 with Git for windows installed.
1. Download the [url=]DHTP[/url], click "Clone or Download" -> "Download ZIP"
2. Download Install Git for Windows
3. During "Select Components", make sure "Associate .sh files to be run with Bash" is ticked and install
4. Unpack the DHTP-master.zip with one of the following:
4.1 Windows Built-In: Right-Click the file -> "Open With" -> Windows Explorer. Select all files and copy them (e.g. your Desktop)
4.2 WinRAR: Right-Click the file -> "Unpack here"
4.3 7-Zip: Right-Click the file -> "7-Zip" -> "Unpack Here"
5. Open the "DHTP-master" folder, then open the "build" folder
6. Run the required file (e.g. tex-deng for Doomsday)
7. After it is done go back to the "DHTP-Master" folder and open the "doomsday" (or "risen3D" or "zdoom") folder
8. Select all files and put them into an archive with one of the following:
8.1 Windows built-in: Right-Click them and select "Sent to" -> "ZIP-compressed folder". Rename the created ZIP-File, the name can be any, however, the ideal name would be DHTP and the current date and the file-prefix should be PK3 (e.g. DHTP-20190516.pk3) so you know when this file was last updated.
8.2 WinRAR: Right-Click them and select "Add to Archive". For Archive format make sure "ZIP" is selected. The name can be any, however, the ideal name would be DHTP and the current date and the file-prefix should be PK3 (e.g. DHTP-20190516.pk3) so you know when this file was last updated.
8.3 7-Zip: Right-Click them and select "7-Zip" -> "Add to archive". Select ZIP as the archive format. The name can be any, however, the ideal name would be DHTP and the current date and the file-prefix should be PK3 (e.g. DHTP-20190516.pk3) so you know when this file was last updated.