Kurounin / Pagination

This package allows you to paginate the subscriptions over meteor's collections. It can be used in a Blaze template or in ReactJS.
MIT License
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blaze-templates meteor meteor-package paginator reactjs


This package allows you to paginate the subscriptions over meteor's collections. It can be used in a Blaze template or in ReactJS.



meteor add kurounin:pagination

For Blaze paginator install kurounin:pagination-blaze package meteor add kurounin:pagination

For ReactJS paginator in Meteor 1.2 install kurounin:pagination-reactjs package meteor add kurounin:pagination-reactjs

For ReactJS paginator in Meteor 1.3+ install react-bootstrap-pagination npm package npm i react-bootstrap-pagination


In your collections file (e.g. lib/collections.js):

MyCollection = new Meteor.Collection('myCollectionName');

In your publications file (e.g. server/publications.js):

import { publishPagination } from 'meteor/kurounin:pagination';


Optionally you can provide a set of filters on the server-side or even dynamic filters, which can not be overridden. There's also the option of providing a transformation filter function to validate the client filters (e.g. server/publications.js):

publishPagination(MyCollection, {
    filters: {is_published: true},
    dynamic_filters: function () {
        return {user_id: this.userId};
    transform_filters: function (filters, options) {
        // called after filters & dynamic_filters
        allowedKeys = ['_id', 'title'];

        const modifiedFilters = [];

        // filters is an array of the provided filters (client side filters & server side filters)
        for (let i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
            modifiedFilters[i] =  _.extend(
                _.pick(filters[i], allowedKeys),
                {user_id: this.userId}

        return modifiedFilters;
    transform_options: function (filters, options) {
        const fields = { name: 1, email: 1 }
        if (Roles.userIsInRole(this.userId, 'admin')) {
            fields.deleted = 1;
        options.fields = _.extend(fields, options.fields);
        return options;

For Blaze template

In your template file (e.g. client/views/mylist.html):

<template name="myList">
        {{#if isReady}}
              {{#each documents}}
                  <li>Document #{{_id}}</li>
            {{> defaultBootstrapPaginator pagination=templatePagination limit=10 containerClass="text-center" onClick=clickEvent}}

kurounin:pagination-blaze package is needed for paginator

In your template javascript file (e.g. client/scripts/mylist.js):

Template.myList.onCreated(function () {
    this.pagination = new Meteor.Pagination(MyCollection, {
        sort: {
            _id: -1

    isReady: function () {
        return Template.instance().pagination.ready();
    templatePagination: function () {
        return Template.instance().pagination;
    documents: function () {
        return Template.instance().pagination.getPage();
    // optional helper used to return a callback that should be executed before changing the page
    clickEvent: function() {
        return function(e, templateInstance, clickedPage) {
            console.log('Changing page from ', templateInstance.data.pagination.currentPage(), ' to ', clickedPage);

For ReactJS template

In your view file (e.g. client/views/mylist.jsx):

MyListPage = React.createClass({
    mixins: [ReactMeteorData],

    pagination: new Meteor.Pagination(MyCollection),

    getMeteorData: function() {
        return {
            documents: this.pagination.getPage(),
            ready: this.pagination.ready()

    renderDocument: function(document) {
        return (
            <li>Document #{document._id}    </li>

    render: function() {
        if (!this.pagination.ready()) {
            return (

        return (

For Meteor 1.2 kurounin:pagination-reactjs package is needed for paginator

For Meteor 1.3+ react-bootstrap-pagination npm package is needed for paginator

Demo project

For an example on how this package can be implemented check the pagination example project or the react pagination example project.

You can also checkout this example application in React created by mgscreativa.

Server Pagination settings available on init

Client Pagination settings available on init

Client Pagination available methods

Blaze Paginator template

A Blaze template is provided to allow navigation through available pages:

In the template html file add the paginator

{{> defaultBootstrapPaginator pagination=templatePagination onClick=clickEvent limit=10 containerClass="text-center"}}

Available template parameters are:

ReactJS Paginator class

A ReactJS class is provided to allow navigation through available pages:

<DefaultBootstrapPaginator pagination={this.pagination} limit={10} containerClass="text-center" />

Available class properties are:

Packages used as inspiration: