KyleAMathews / Fuzzymatcher.js

Fuzzymatching library optimized for powering auto-complete widgets
MIT License
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A fuzzymatching library!

Useful for:


Note, Fuzzymatcher.js requires JSON.stringify and JSON.parse. If you're supporting IE6 and IE7 you'll need to provide these functions.

How to use

Simple example.

// Initialize a new fuzzymatcher list.
// words is an Array of javascript objects. For now, fuzzymatcher.js
// matches against a "name" property on each object. In the future,
// you'll be able to designate which property to match against.
fuzzymatcher.addList('words', words);

// Query list.
matches = fuzzymatcher.query('words', 'query');

More complex example.

// Initialize two lists.
fuzzymatcher.addList('followers', followers);
fuzzymatcher.addList('following', 'following');

// Query just the followers list.
matches = fuzzymatcher.query('followers', 'John');

// Query both lists.
matches = fuzzymatcher.query(['followers', 'following'], 'John');

Each returned match object is a copy of the original object. In addition there's the following properties added.

match_score The internal score for the object. Calculated by adding the levenshtein distance and match position (i.e. how far from the start of the string was the match. We're assuming the match should start at the beginning of word. This assumption might not be true for non-auto-complete application). The matches array which is returned is already sorted by the match_score.

highlighted The name property "highlighted" with <strong> tags on each letter which matches a letter in the query.