Kyubyong / transformer

A TensorFlow Implementation of the Transformer: Attention Is All You Need
Apache License 2.0
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attention-is-all-you-need attention-mechanism implementation transformer translation

[UPDATED] A TensorFlow Implementation of Attention Is All You Need

When I opened this repository in 2017, there was no official code yet. I tried to implement the paper as I understood, but to no surprise it had several bugs. I realized them mostly thanks to people who issued here, so I'm very grateful to all of them. Though there is the official implementation as well as several other unofficial github repos, I decided to update my own one. This update focuses on:

I still stick to IWSLT 2016 de-en. I guess if you'd like to test on a big data such as WMT, you would rely on the official implementation. After all, it's pleasant to check quickly if your model works. The initial code for TF1.2 is moved to the tf1.2_lecacy folder for the record.



Training Loss Curve

Learning rate

Bleu score on devset

Inference (=test)


tst2013 (dev) tst2014 (test)
28.06 23.88
