Kyzarok / MScProject_AURORA_with_RNN

Extending Autonomous Skill Discovery with Recurrent Neural Networks
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Extending Autonomous Skill Discovery with Recurrent Neural Networks

Project Supervisors: Dr Danesh Tarapore, Dr David Bossens

"How do robots learn?" This is a question that the fields of Bio-Inspired AI and Behaviour Based Robotics have tried to answer for a long time. Though there are many answers to the question, they all come with caveats. In Cully (2019), the author answers the specific problem of autonomous learning by proposing a universal algorithm for robotic skill discovery without user input. They do this by exploiting an autoencoder's ability to compress large scale sensory information into low dimensional space that can be explored using evolutionary algorithms. This report covers an extension to that work by adding on a recurrent neural network with the hopes that the system will train to account for time dependent information."

This work is based off of the original research done by Dr Antoine Cully from "Autonomous skill discovery with Quality-Diversity and Unsupervised Descriptors" (

This repo contains the original code (OriginalCode) for the ballistic task as well as my implementation (BallisticMyVer).

When running this code beware that when plots and data are saved they will overwrite whatever is currenlty inside the RUN_DATA folder.

Running the code in BallisticMyVer requires the following dependencies:

You can run this code with the command "$python3". This command line can take multiple arguments:

For example if you wanted to run the handcoded version, input "$python3 --version handcoded"