L-Blondy / tw-colors

Tailwind plugin to easily add multiple color themes to your projects.
MIT License
456 stars 14 forks source link
dark multiple-themes tailwind tailwindcss theme


Introducing the ultimate game-changer for your Tailwind app! Say goodbye to cluttered dark variants and messy CSS variables. With this tailwind plugin, switching between color themes is as effortless as changing one className.



See the full changelog here


npm i -D tw-colors

Take an existing tailwind config and move the colors in the createThemes plugin, giving it a name (e.g. light).


+  const { createThemes } = require('tw-colors');

   module.exports = {
      content: ['./src/**/*.{astro,html,js,jsx,md,mdx,svelte,ts,tsx,vue}'],
      theme: {
         extends: {
-           colors: {
-              'primary': 'steelblue',
-              'secondary': 'darkblue',
-              'brand': '#F3F3F3',
-              // ...other colors
-           }
      plugins: [
+        createThemes({
+           light: { 
+              'primary': 'steelblue',
+              'secondary': 'darkblue',
+              'brand': '#F3F3F3',
+              // ...other colors
+           }
+        })

💡 tip: you can use any color name as you usually do, not just the ones from the example. The same goes for the theme names.

Apply class='light' or data-theme='light' anywhere in your app (the html or the body tag is a good spot for it)

See the options to customize the className

-  <html>
+  <html class='light'>
      <div class='bg-brand'>
         <h1 class='text-primary'>...</h1>
         <p class='text-secondary'>...</p>

That's it, your site has a light theme!

Adding more themes


   const { createThemes } = require('tw-colors');

   module.exports = {
      content: ['./src/**/*.{astro,html,js,jsx,md,mdx,svelte,ts,tsx,vue}'],
      plugins: [
            light: { 
               'primary': 'steelblue',
               'secondary': 'darkblue',
               'brand': '#F3F3F3',
+           dark: { 
+              'primary': 'turquoise',
+              'secondary': 'tomato',
+              'brand': '#4A4A4A',
+           },
+           forest: { 
+              'primary': '#2A9D8F',
+              'secondary': '#E9C46A',
+              'brand': '#264653',
+           },
+           winter: { 
+              'primary': 'hsl(45 39% 69%)',
+              'secondary': 'rgb(120 210 50)',
+              'brand': 'hsl(54 93% 96%)',
+           },

You now have a light, a dark and a forest theme!

Switching themes

Simply switch the class or the data-theme attribute

-  <html class='light'>
+  <html class='dark'>


Based on the current theme, specific styles can be applied using variants.

Note: In the following example the variants would have no effect with data-theme='light'

   <!-- Use "serif" font for the dark theme only -->
   <div data-theme='dark' class='font-sans dark:font-serif'>
      <div>Serif font here</div>

      <!-- this button is rounded when the theme is `dark` -->
      <button class='dark:rounded'>Click Me</button>

See the options to customize the variant name

Caveat: group-{modifier} Always use the group variant before the theme variant. ```html ...
❌ the group variant does not work
✅ the group variant works properly

Nested themes

With data-theme

Just nest the themes...

   <html data-theme='dark'>
      <div data-theme='winter'>

      <div data-theme='forest'>

With class

For variants to work properly in nested themes, an empty data-theme attribute must be added alongside the nested theme class

   <html class='dark'>
      <div data-theme class='winter'>

      <div data-theme class='forest'>


Do not set opacity in the color definition When using nested themes, it is better not to provide a base opacity in your color definitions. With this setup the *0.8* opacity defined on the primary color of the "parent" theme will be inherited by the "child" theme's primary color. ```js createThemes({ parent: { 'primary': 'hsl(50 50% 50% / 0.8)', // don't do this, the default opacity will propagate to the child theme 'secondary': 'darkblue', }, child: { 'primary': 'turquoise', 'secondary': 'tomato', }, }) ``` ```html
Inherited properties Inherited properties (e.g. "font-family") are inherited by **all descendants**, including nested themes. In order to stop the propagation the base styles should be re-declared on nested themes ❌ Unexpected behavior ```html ...
✅ Serif is active
❌ Serif is still active, it got inherited from the parent theme
``` ✅ Works as expected ```html ...
✅ Serif is active
✅ Sans is active

CSS color-scheme

createThemes also accepts a function that exposes the light and dark functions. \ To apply the color-scheme CSS property, simply wrap a theme with light or dark."

See the [MDN docs][mdn-color-scheme] for more details on this feature.


createThemes(({ light, dark }) => ({
   'winter': light({ 
      'primary': 'steelblue',
      'base': 'darkblue',
      'surface': '#F3F3F3',
   'forest': dark({ 
      'primary': 'turquoise',
      'base': 'tomato',
      'surface': '#4A4A4A',

CSS Variables

tw-colors creates CSS variables using the format --twc-[color name] by default, they contain HSL values.

For example, with the following configuration, the variables --twc-primary, --twc-base, --twc-surface will be created.


   module.exports = {
      // ...your tailwind config
      plugins: [
            'winter': { 
               'primary': 'steelblue',
               'base': 'darkblue',
               'surface': '#F3F3F3',
            'forest': { 
               'primary': 'turquoise',
               'base': 'tomato',
               'surface': '#4A4A4A',

Example usage:

.my-class {
   color: hsl(var(--twc-primary));
   background: hsl(var(--twc-primary) / 0.5);

See the options to customize the css variables


The options can be passed as the second argument to the plugin

   // your colors config here...
}, {
   produceCssVariable: (colorName) => `--twc-${colorName}`,
   produceThemeClass: (themeName) => `theme-${themeName}`
   produceThemeVariant: (themeName) => `theme-${themeName}`
   defaultTheme: 'light'
   strict: false


The default theme to use, think of it as a fallback theme when no theme is declared.

Example: simple default theme

   'winter': { 
      'primary': 'steelblue',
   'halloween': { 
      'primary': 'crimson',
}, {
   defaultTheme: 'winter' // 'winter' | 'halloween'

The default theme can also be chosen according to the user light or dark preference (see [MDN prefers-color-scheme][mdn-prefers-color-scheme])

Example: adapting to user preference

   'winter': { 
      'primary': 'steelblue',
   'halloween': { 
      'primary': 'crimson',
}, {
   defaultTheme: {
       * when `@media (prefers-color-scheme: light)` is matched, 
       * the default theme is the "winter" theme 
      light: 'winter', 
       * when `@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)` is matched, 
       * the default theme is the "halloween" theme 
      dark: 'halloween', 


default: false

If false invalid colors are ignored. \ If true invalid colors produce an error.


   'christmas': { 
      // invalid color
      'primary': 'redish',
   'darkula': { 
      'primary': 'crimson',
}, {
   // an error will be thrown
   strict: true


default: (colorName) => `--twc-${colorName}`

Customize the css variables generated by the plugin.

With the below configuration, the following variables will be created:

   'light': { 
      'primary': 'steelblue',
      'secondary': 'darkblue',
      'base': '#F3F3F3',
   'dark': { 
      'primary': 'turquoise',
      'secondary': 'tomato',
      'base': '#4A4A4A',
}, {
   produceCssVariable: (colorName) => `--a-${colorName}-z`


default: (themeName) => themeName

Customize the classNames of the themes and variants

With the below configuration, the following theme classNames and variants will be created:

   'light': { 
      'primary': 'steelblue',
      'secondary': 'darkblue',
      'base': '#F3F3F3',
   'dark': { 
      'primary': 'turquoise',
      'secondary': 'tomato',
      'base': '#4A4A4A',
}, {
   produceThemeClass: (themeName) => `theme-${themeName}`
<html class='theme-dark'>
   <button class='theme-dark:rounded'>
      Click Me


default: same as produceThemeClass

Customize the variants

With the below configuration, the following variants will be created:

   'light': { 
      'primary': 'steelblue',
      'secondary': 'darkblue',
      'base': '#F3F3F3',
   'dark': { 
      'primary': 'turquoise',
      'secondary': 'tomato',
      'base': '#4A4A4A',
}, {
   produceThemeVariant: (themeName) => `theme-${themeName}`
<html data-theme='dark'>
   <button class='theme-dark:rounded'>
      Click Me

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