L4m4L / simpleBLEJava

Java JNR-FFI Bindings for SimpleBLE
MIT License
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Java Native Access Bindings for SimpleBLE


Java Native Access Libraries: jna-platform, jna (https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/tree/master)

SimpleBLE .dylib, .dll or .so files (in /SimpleBLE/build/install/lib/): https://github.com/OpenBluetoothToolbox/SimpleBLE/releases

Tested with: jna-platform and jna v5.14.0 simpleble v0.7.1 (macos-x86_64)

To run

Change line 16 of SimpleBLE.java file to point to the location of the simpleble-c files

Create a new instance of SimpleBLE in your main Java program: SimpleBLE simpleble = new SimpleBLE();

Call functions defined in SimpleBLE.java lines 135 onwards using the simpleble instance: