Transport Unit IDentifier Reference Implementation
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This is the reference implementation for the The Transport Unit Identifier, or TUID. TUIDs are an ISO standard ID that identifies loads in the logistics industry.


Natural location identifier.


This is the reference implementation for the The Transport Unit Identifier, or TUID. TUIDs are an ISO standard ID that identifies loads in the logistics industry.

Kind: global constant

TUID.encode(date, origin, destination, registeredPrefix, txnRef) ⇒ string

Kind: static method of TUID

Param Type Description
date Date When the load is ready to be shipped
origin Location Where the load is being sent from.
destination Location Where the load is being sent to.
registeredPrefix string Registered business number of the buyer or shipper.
txnRef number Internal transaction reference number of the buyer or shipper.


Natural location identifier.

Kind: global constant

NLI.encode(location) ⇒ string

Produces a stand alone NLI (with prefix)

Kind: static method of NLI

Param Type
location Location

NLI.encodeWithoutPrefix(location) ⇒ string

Used as a part of TUID or another identifier.

Kind: static method of NLI

Param Type
location Location