LAHTeR / document_segmentation

Tool for segmenting and classifying document boundaries.
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Document Segmentation

python python python python

Poetry pre-commit Code style: ruff

Build & Test Ruff


This repository provides tooling for processing VOC inventories to

  1. extract document boundaries and
  2. classify documents

For both cases, two scripts exist respectively:

  1. train a new model
  2. apply a model

Definitions and Workflow

There are two separate tasks defined in this repository:

Training and Applying Models

For each task, there is a script to train a model:

See below for instructions on installing prerequisites and running the scripts.

Both produce a model file; run either script with the --help argument for the specific arguments.

In order to apply a model as produced by the respective training script, call

As above, run any of the scripts with the --help argument to get the specific usage.


Install Poetry

curl -sSL | python3 -


pipx install poetry

Als see Poetry documentation.

Install the dependencies

poetry install


To train a model run the scripts/ script. It downloads the necessary data from the HUC server into the local temporary directory.

Set your HUC credentials in the HUC_USER and HUC_PASSWORD environment variables or in, and run the script.

HUC_USER=... HUC_PASSWORD=... poetry run python scripts/

Without the credentials, the script is not able to download the inventories, but can proceed with previously downloaded ones. Add the --help flag to see all available options.

To extract the documents of one or more inventories using a previously trained model, use the scripts/ script, for instance:

poetry run python scripts/ --model --inventory 1547,1548 --output 1547_1548.csv

Missing inventories are downloaded from the HUC server if the HUC_USER and HUC_PASSWORD environment variables are provided.

Add the --help flag to see all available options.

Development Instructions

This project uses

Install Development Dependencies

poetry install --with=dev

Set up pre-commit hooks

poetry run pre-commit install

Run Tests

poetry run pytest


Both document segmentation and classification are based on page embeddings -- defined in the PageEmbedding class --, and region embeddings -- defined in the RegionEmbedding class. The models are implemented in the PageSequenceTagger and the DocumentClassifier class respectively, both are sub-classes of the AbstractPageLearner class (see diagram below). These classes are used for document boundary detection and document type classification respectively.

The Inventory class is the main data class. It holds sequences of pages and labels, and is inherited by the Document class, for using different labels.

The Sheet class and its sub-classes are used for reading and processing the annotated data from CSV/Excel sheets as stored in the annotations directory.

(Hyper-)parameters like layer sizes and language model are defined in

Classes Diagram


Run this command for updating the classes diagram:

poetry run pyreverse --output svg --colorized document_segmentation