LANDIS-II-Foundation / Tool-LANDVIZ

LANDVIZ Tool for Visualizing LANDIS outputs
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LANDVIZ (LANDIS-II-Visualization)

Changes to this extension are governed by the Repository Rules from the Technical Advisory Committee.

LANDIS-II Visualization Development

Documentaion: Documentation of the PreProcTool and the WebVisTool

PreProcTool: Development environment for the PrePrcoTool

WebWisTool: Development environment for the WebVisTool





  1. Download or clone the project and unzip.
  2. Go to example/example_project folder and open preproc_VizTool_example.xml file. The tag <weblinks></weblinks> is a new to this release. Modify <link> applicable to your project. The order of tags is important so use preproc_VizTool_example.xml as a template.
    <link label="LandViz" href="" />
    <link label="Dynamic Ecosystems &amp; Landscape Lab" href="" />

    The <weblinks> tag requires at least one <link> child node in order to run the application successfully.

    <link label="LandViz" href="" />
  3. Dobule click example/example_project/run_preproctool_example.bat file. The "sample_output" file will be created after the successful run.
  4. Double click _sampleoutput/start-landis-vis-local.exe. It will open LANDVIZ-II-Visualization webpage.