LDMX-Software / ldmx-sw

The Light Dark Matter eXperiment simulation and reconstruction framework.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Remove CMake configuration of Python modules #1309

Closed tomeichlersmith closed 2 weeks ago

tomeichlersmith commented 4 weeks ago

The CMake configuration of the parent Python module originated from a time when we were expecting the more stable modules (like Framework and SimCore) to be adopted by other experiments and thus the parent python module might change to something other than LDMX. Now, it is just clutter that we can undo in order to avoid further confusion down the road.

We can remove


and drop its usage in all the submodule CMakeLists.txt.

This then means we can change the .py.in Python files into .py by replacing @PYTHON_PACKAGE_NAME@ with LDMX and update the following to just look for .py and use the COPY_ONLY option of configure_file.
