LDMX-Software / ldmx-sw

The Light Dark Matter eXperiment simulation and reconstruction framework.
GNU General Public License v3.0
20 stars 16 forks source link
cpp17 dark-matter dark-sector geant4 hep ldmx-sw reconstruction simulation

Simulation and reconstruction framework for the Light Dark Matter eXperiment.

Quick Start


The full documentation for ldmx-sw is available on github pages. A brief description of common commands is given below.

Common Commands inside Container

Command Purpose
ldmx cmake .. Configure the ldmx-sw build
ldmx make Compile/build ldmx-sw
ldmx make install Install ldmx-sw
ldmx compile Configure and compile ldmx-sw
ldmx fire config.py Use ldmx-sw application and processors with input python configuration
ldmx recompFire config.py Recompile and run fire on a config file
ldmx python3 analysis.py Run python-based analysis
ldmx ./bin/mg5_aMC Run MadGraph5 inside (ubuntu-based) container

Other Container Configuration Commands

The environment script defines several other shell commands to help configure and debug the container environment.

Use ldmx help for a full listing of these commands. If we don't define a command outside of the container, then the command is given to the container to run inside the current directory.

