LDSSA / batch2-BLU03

Predict timeseries in the real world
MIT License
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BLU03 - Workflows

What is in this BLU?

This week we will focus on how to predict timeseries in the real World. The objective is to prepare you for the hackathon, so the exercises will be very practical, as will the materials.

Regarding the Learning Notebooks, treat Part 2 as optional for solving the exercises, but do read it before the hackathon if you want to have a few more tools in your toolbox.

The exercises in the Exercise Notebooks are VERY similar to the type of problem you will get in the hackathon. If you are able to solve this BLU, you should be ready to do and predict some timeseries :)

How to use this repo

  1. Go through the Learning Notebooks (they are in the Learning Notebooks folder)
  2. Do the Exercise notebook, and submit it on the portal as usual

"I need help understanding something"

You can and should ask for help, be it about Learning Notebooks, Exercises, or anything else. Please checkout the How to Ask for Help, and remember not to share code when asking for help about the exercises!

"I think I've found a bug"

This repo is completely open source and is continuously improving over time. When you spot a mistake, please check whether it has been detected in the issues. If it hasn't, please open an issue, explaining in details where it is (e.g. in what notebook, and on what line), and how to reproduce the error. If it is an easy fix, feel free to make a pull request.