LHSRobotics / gdmux

Gcode interpreter and demultiplexer, and a Go library for controlling the Staübli robotic arm at the London Hackspace.
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To run a single gcode file: gdmux -arm /dev/ttyStaubli [gcode file]

To run a launch the web interface: gdmux -arm /dev/ttyStaubli -http :8002

Since this will mainly be running on Linux, we just deal with the serial ports as files. It's up to the user to set them up with the correct parameters (baudrate, stop bits, parity, etc.) using stty. This keeps things nice and simple.


For the Go parts, everything should work with go get. Run go get github.com/LHSRobotics/gdmux/cmd/gdmux and gdmux will be installed in your Go bin directory.

For the V+ parts, refer to your trustly V+ manual.


To test the command and packages, run go test ./....