The ARCLib project is under the designation DG16P02R044 solved in the period 2016-2020 with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic within the national applied research funding program NAKI II.
One of the main goals of the ARCLib project is the development of an open-source solution for a bit-level and logical preservation of digital documents, respecting the national and international standards as well as the needs of all types of libraries maily in the Czech Republic. The mission of the ARCLib project lies, among others, in creating a solution that will allow institutions to implement all of the OAIS functional modules and entities, considering institutions’ information model. The architecture is open and modular and the final product should be able to ingest, validate and store data from a majority of software products used for creating, disseminating and archiving libraries’ digital and digitised data in the Czech Republic.
The ARCLib project responds to needs of memory institutions and especially libraries to ensure long-term preservation of digital documents. The project includes the preparation of methodological materials and technical solutions, all of which will be freely available - methodologies in the form of open access publications and developed software tools as open source software.
Team: The project is led by the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and coopearting partners are Masaryk University, the National Library of the Czech Republic and the Moravian Library in Brno.
License: The project is developed as an open source software under GNU GPL v3.
Documentation: Installation process, usage and administration of ARCLib is described in the Wiki documentation
The methodology for logical preservation of digital data:
The methodology for bit-level preservation of digital data:
More information about ARCLib project and team is at