Color Name | Hex | Header level |
Near black | #051c37 |
Header level 1 |
Cyan | #1f7c9b |
Header level 2 |
Purple | #69459c |
Header level 3 |
Pink | #cd1c69 |
Header level 4 |
Grey | #666666 |
Header level 5 |
Orange | #EB6B16 |
Use only when an extra color is needed |
Color Name | Hex | Variable name |
Main blue color | #26374A |
@esdc-blue |
Accent blue | #1C578A |
@esdc-interactive-blue |
Accent blue hover | #1C578A |
@esdc-int-hover-color |
Bright highlights pink | #CD1C6A |
@esdc-pink |
Lesser highlights purple | #69459C |
@esdc-purple |
Background alternate | #E6E6E6 |
@esdc-lightgrey |
White | #FFFFFF |
@esdc-white |
White Hover | #DEDEDE |
@esdc-white-hover |
Black | #000000 |
@esdc-black |
Correct color | #56cdb0 |
@esdc-correct |
Incorrect color | #CD1C6A |
@esdc-incorrect |
Unlike most Adapt plug-ins, the Vanilla theme has no attributes that are required to be configured in the course JSON files. There is, however, an option to alter the background color of blocks as desired. Configure the attributes highlighted below in blocks.json. These attributes are properly formatted as JSON in example.json.
_theme (object): The theme attributes group contains attributes that override those set in Vanilla. These include _backgroundColor, _minimumHeights, and _isDividerBlock.
_backgroundColor (string): This value is the name of a color variable that has been defined in less/colors.less. Omit the initial
that is a part of the variable declaration. For example, an acceptable value is"background-color-inverted"
._minimumHeights (object): The minimum heights attribute group specifies the minimum height of the block at different device widths (
, and_small
)._large (number): This value specifies the CSS minimum height when
evaluates to"_large"
._medium (number): This value specifies the CSS minimum height when
evaluates to"_medium"
._small (number): This value specifies the CSS minimum height when
evaluates to"_small"
._isDividerBlock (boolean): - Determines whether the CSS class
(less/src/theme-extras.less) will be applied. Acceptable values aretrue
Visit the Vanilla wiki for more information about how to use and manipulate the theme.
Folder/File | Description |
📄 theme.json | Pixel values for screenSize (small , medium , and large ) |
📄 selection.json | File used for selecting icons at that are packaged in fonts/vanilla.* |
📁 assets | Location of theme assets (for example: images, loading gif, etc.) |
📁 fonts | Location of any theme font files |
📁 js | JavaScript files on which the theme depends |
📁 less | Location of any LESS based CSS files |
📄 less/generic.less | Variables that are not covered by those defined in colors.less, fonts.less, and paddings.less |
📁 less/src | Location of LESS files for various Adapt elements |
📄 less/src/theme-extras.less | Classes used for bespoke styling |
📁 templates | Location of overridden HTML (.hbs) templates |
📁 templates/partials | Location of overridden HTML (.hbs) templates required by other templates, specifically buttons.hbs, component.hbs, and state.hbs |
adapt-contrib-esdc-college-theme supports customisation for the rendering of various Adapt elements through the use of Handlebars templates. The file name of the template indicates the element it affects. Among the available templates are: