LLNL / CcNav

CcNav is a web-based tool for visualizing compiler optimizations in binaries.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Project Name: CCNAV

LLNL-CODE- 826840

OptVis: Visualization of Binary Code

OptVis takes as input the source file, dot file, and the JSON analysis file generated by optparser.

OptVis uses JS for the frontend and flask (python) for the backend.



Sample input files

The sample input files for the application can be found in the static directory. The files are generated using the lulesh benchmark code. The sample files are lulesh.cc, lulesh.o.dot, and lulesh.o.json.


Set up Docker.

Sample Set up:

docker build -t optvis_aa .

Every time you run the following command, you will need to increment c1: c2, c3, etc.

docker run -p 5000:5000/tcp optvis_aa

Once you get this running, you enter this in the browser address bar: http://localhost:5000/

By default, the dockerfile will build an executable sample file for basic testing: /home/ccnavuser/a3.out, so this can be used for testing inside the docker run.

Look at the top left panel of your browser window.
For the executable input dir, enter the following: /home/ccnavuser/a3.out

Then click the "Get" button.


Development mode

For development, we need to name the docker run to access it later. We can do this by:

docker run --name optvis_run -p 5000:5000/tcp optvis_aa
docker exec -it optvis_run /bin/bash

You may need to delete the docker container before running it again. Or you can use different name each time you run in development mode.





The MIT License (MIT)