LLNL / Surfactant

Modular framework for file information extraction and dependency analysis to generate accurate SBOMs
MIT License
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# Surfactant A modular framework to gather file information for SBOM generation and dependency analysis. 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It pulls information from recognized file types (such as PE, ELF, or MSI files) contained within a directory structure corresponding to an extracted software package. By default, the information is "surface-level" metadata contained in the files that does not require running the files or decompilation. ## Installation ### For Users: For ease of use, we recommend using [pipx](https://github.com/pypa/pipx) since it transparently handles creating and using Python virtual environments, which helps avoid dependency conflicts with other installed Python apps. Install `pipx` by following [their installation instructions](https://github.com/pypa/pipx#install-pipx). 1. Install Surfactant using `pipx install` (with python >= 3.8) ```bash pipx install surfactant ``` 2. Install plugins using `pipx inject surfactant`. As an example, this is how the fuzzy hashing plugin could be installed from a git repository (PyPI package names, local source directories, or wheel files can also be used). ```bash pipx inject surfactant git+https://github.com/LLNL/Surfactant#subdirectory=plugins/fuzzyhashes ``` If for some reason manually managing virtual environments is desired, the following steps can be used instead: 1. Create a virtual environment with python >= 3.8 and activate it [Optional, but highly recommended over a global install] ```bash python -m venv cytrics_venv source cytrics_venv/bin/activate ``` 2. Install Surfactant with `pip install` ```bash pip install surfactant ``` 3. Install plugins using `pip install`. As an example, this is how the fuzzy hashing plugin could be installed from a git repository (PyPI package names, local source directories, or wheel files can also be used). ```bash pip install git+https://github.com/LLNL/Surfactant#subdirectory=plugins/fuzzyhashes ``` ### For Developers: 1. Create a virtual environment with python >= 3.8 [Optional, but recommended] ```bash python -m venv cytrics_venv source cytrics_venv/bin/activate ``` 2. Clone sbom-surfactant ```bash git clone git@github.com:LLNL/Surfactant.git ``` 3. Create an editable surfactant install (changes to code will take effect immediately): ```bash pip install -e . ``` To install optional dependencies required for running pytest and pre-commit: ```bash pip install -e ".[test,dev]" ``` `pip install` with the `-e` or `--editable` option can also be used to install Surfactant plugins for development. ```bash pip install -e plugins/fuzzyhashes ``` ## Settings Surfactant settings can be changed using the `surfactant config` subcommand, or by hand editing the settings configuration file (this is not the same as the JSON file used to configure settings for a particular sample that is described later). ### Command Line Using `surfactant config` is very similar to the basic use of `git config`. The key whose value is being accessed will be in the form `section.option` where `section` is typically a plugin name or `core`, and `option` is the option to set. As an example, the `core.recorded_institution` option can be used to configure the recorded institution used to identify who the creator of a generated SBOM was. Setting this option to `LLNL` could be done with the following command: ```bash surfactant config core.recorded_institution LLNL ``` Getting the currently set value for the option would then be done with: ```bash surfactant config core.recorded_institution ``` ### Manual Editing If desired, the settings config file can also be manually edited. The location of the file will depend on your platform. On Unix-like platforms (including macOS), the XDG directory specification is followed and settings will be stored in `${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/surfactant/config.toml`. If the `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` environment variable is not set, the location defaults to `~/.config`. On Windows, the file is stored in the Roaming AppData folder at `%APPDATA%\\surfactant\\config.toml`. The file itself is a TOML file, and for the previously mentioned example plugin may look something like this: ```toml [core] recorded_institution = "LLNL" ``` ## Usage ### Identify sample file In order to test out surfactant, you will need a sample file/folder. If you don't have one on hand, you can download and use the portable .zip file from or the Linux .tar.gz file from . Alternatively, you can pick a sample from https://lc.llnl.gov/gitlab/cir-software-assurance/unpacker-to-sbom-test-files ### Build configuration file for sample A configuration file for a sample contains the information about the sample to gather information from. Example JSON sample configuration files can be found in the examples folder of this repository. **extractPaths**: (required) the absolute path or relative path from location of current working directory that `surfactant` is being run from to the sample folders, cannot be a file (Note that even on Windows, Unix style `/` directory separators should be used in paths)\ **archive**: (optional) the full path, including file name, of the zip, exe installer, or other archive file that the folders in **extractPaths** were extracted from. This is used to collect metadata about the overall sample and will be added as a "Contains" relationship to all software entries found in the various **extractPaths**\ **installPrefix**: (optional) where the files in **extractPaths** would be if installed correctly on an actual system i.e. "C:/", "C:/Program Files/", etc (Note that even on Windows, Unix style `/` directory separators should be used in the path). If not given then the **extractPaths** will be used as the install paths **includeAllFiles**: (optional) If present and set to true, include all files in the SBOM, rather than only those recognized by Surfactant. #### Create config command A basic configuration file can be easily built using the `create-config` command. This will take a path as a command line argument and will save a file with the default name of the end directory passed to it as a json file. i.e., `/home/user/Desktop/myfolder` will create `myfolder.json`. ```bash $ surfactant create-config [INPUT_PATH] ``` The --output flag can be used to specify the configuration output name. The --install-prefix can be used to specify the install prefix, the default is '/'. ```bash $ surfactant create-config [INPUT_PATH] --output new_output.json --install-prefix 'C:/' ``` #### Example configuration file Lets say you have a .tar.gz file that you want to run surfactant on. For this example, we will be using the HELICS release .tar.gz example. In this scenario, the absolute path for this file is `/home/samples/helics.tar.gz`. Upon extracting this file, we get a helics folder with 4 sub-folders: bin, include, lib64, and share. ##### Example 1: Simple Configuration File If we want to include only the folders that contain binary files to analyze, our most basic configuration would be: ```json [ { "extractPaths": ["/home/samples/helics/bin", "/home/samples/helics/lib64"] } ] ``` The resulting SBOM would be structured like this: ```json { "software": [ { "UUID": "abc1", "fileName": ["helics_binary"], "installPath": ["/home/samples/helics/bin/helics_binary"], "containerPath": null }, { "UUID": "abc2", "fileName": ["lib1.so"], "installPath": ["/home/samples/helics/lib64/lib1.so"], "containerPath": null } ], "relationships": [ { "xUUID": "abc1", "yUUID": "abc2", "relationship": "Uses" } ] } ``` ##### Example 2: Detailed Configuration File A more detailed configuration file might look like the example below. The resulting SBOM would have a software entry for the helics.tar.gz with a "Contains" relationship to all binaries found to in the extractPaths. Providing the install prefix of `/` and an extractPaths as `/home/samples/helics` will allow to surfactant correctly assign the install paths in the SBOM for binaries in the subfolders as `/bin` and `/lib64`. ```json [ { "archive": "/home/samples/helics.tar.gz", "extractPaths": ["/home/samples/helics"], "installPrefix": "/" } ] ``` The resulting SBOM would be structured like this: ```json { "software": [ { "UUID": "abc0", "fileName": ["helics.tar.gz"], "installPath": null, "containerPath": null }, { "UUID": "abc1", "fileName": ["helics_binary"], "installPath": ["/bin/helics_binary"], "containerPath": ["abc0/bin/helics_binary"] }, { "UUID": "abc2", "fileName": ["lib1.so"], "installPath": ["/lib64/lib1.so"], "containerPath": ["abc0/lib64/lib1.so"] } ], "relationships": [ { "xUUID": "abc0", "yUUID": "abc1", "relationship": "Contains" }, { "xUUID": "abc0", "yUUID": "abc2", "relationship": "Contains" }, { "xUUID": "abc1", "yUUID": "abc2", "relationship": "Uses" } ] } ``` ##### Example 3: Adding Related Binaries If our sample helics tar.gz file came with a related tar.gz file to install a plugin extension module (extracted into a helics_plugin folder that contains bin and lib64 subfolders), we could add that into the configuration file as well: ```json [ { "archive": "/home/samples/helics.tar.gz", "extractPaths": ["/home/samples/helics"], "installPrefix": "/" }, { "archive": "/home/samples/helics_plugin.tar.gz", "extractPaths": ["/home/samples/helics_plugin"], "installPrefix": "/" } ] ``` The resulting SBOM would be structured like this: ```json { "software": [ { "UUID": "abc0", "fileName": ["helics.tar.gz"], "installPath": null, "containerPath": null }, { "UUID": "abc1", "fileName": ["helics_binary"], "installPath": ["/bin/helics_binary"], "containerPath": ["abc0/bin/helics_binary"] }, { "UUID": "abc2", "fileName": ["lib1.so"], "installPath": ["/lib64/lib1.so"], "containerPath": ["abc0/lib64/lib1.so"] }, { "UUID": "abc3", "fileName": ["helics_plugin.tar.gz"], "installPath": null, "containerPath": null }, { "UUID": "abc4", "fileName": ["helics_plugin"], "installPath": ["/bin/helics_plugin"], "containerPath": ["abc3/bin/helics_plugin"] }, { "UUID": "abc5", "fileName": ["lib_plugin.so"], "installPath": ["/lib64/lib_plugin.so"], "containerPath": ["abc3/lib64/lib_plugin.so"] } ], "relationships": [ { "xUUID": "abc1", "yUUID": "abc2", "relationship": "Uses" }, { "xUUID": "abc4", "yUUID": "abc5", "relationship": "Uses" }, { "xUUID": "abc5", "yUUID": "abc2", "relationship": "Uses" }, { "xUUID": "abc0", "yUUID": "abc1", "relationship": "Contains" }, { "xUUID": "abc0", "yUUID": "abc2", "relationship": "Contains" }, { "xUUID": "abc3", "yUUID": "abc4", "relationship": "Contains" }, { "xUUID": "abc3", "yUUID": "abc5", "relationship": "Contains" } ] } ``` NOTE: These examples have been simplified to show differences in output based on configuration. ### Run surfactant ```bash $ surfactant generate [OPTIONS] CONFIG_FILE SBOM_OUTFILE [INPUT_SBOM] ``` **CONFIG_FILE**: (required) the config file created earlier that contains the information on the sample\ **SBOM OUTPUT**: (required) the desired name of the output file\ **INPUT_SBOM**: (optional) a base sbom, should be used with care as relationships could be messed up when files are installed on different systems\ **--skip_gather**: (optional) skips the gathering of information on files and adding software entires\ **--skip_relationships**: (optional) skips the adding of relationships based on metadata\ **--skip_install_path**: (optional) skips including an install path for the files discovered. This may cause "Uses" relationships to also not be generated\ **--recorded_institution**: (optional) the name of the institution collecting the SBOM data (default: LLNL)\ **--output_format**: (optional) changes the output format for the SBOM (given as full module name of a surfactant plugin implementing the `write_sbom` hook)\ **--input_format**: (optional) specifies the format of the input SBOM if one is being used (default: cytrics) (given as full module name of a surfactant plugin implementing the `read_sbom` hook)\ **--help**: (optional) show the help message and exit ## Understanding the SBOM Output ### Software This section contains a list of entries relating to each piece of software found in the sample. Metadata including file size, vendor, version, etc are included in this section along with a uuid to uniquely identify the software entry. ### Relationships This section contains information on how each of the software entries in the previous section are linked. **Uses**: this relationship type means that x software uses y software i.e. y is a helper module to x\ **Contains**: this relationship type means that x software contains y software (often x software is an installer or archive such as a zip file) ### Observations: This section contains information about notable observations about individual software components. This could be vulnerabilities, observed features, etc ## Merging SBOMs A folder containing multiple separate SBOM JSON files can be combined using merge_sbom.py with a command such the one below that gets a list of files using ls, and then uses xargs to pass the resulting list of files to merge_sbom.py as arguments. `ls -d ~/Folder_With_SBOMs/Surfactant-* | xargs -d '\n' surfactant merge --config_file=merge_config.json --sbom_outfile combined_sbom.json` If the config file option is given, a top-level system entry will be created that all other software entries are tied to (directly or indirectly based on other relationships). Specifying an empty UUID will make a random UUID get generated for the new system entry, otherwise it will use the one provided. Details on the merge command can be found in the docs page [here](./docs/basic_usage.md#merging-sboms). ## Plugins Surfactant supports using plugins to add additional features. For users, installing and enabling a plugin usually just involves doing a `pipx inject surfactant` when using pipx or `pip install` of the plugin if manually managing virtual environments. Detailed information on configuration options for the plugin system and how to develop new plugins can be found [here](./docs/plugins.md). ## Support Full user guides for Surfactant are available [online](https://surfactant.readthedocs.io) and in the [docs](./docs) directory. For questions or support, please create a new discussion on [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/LLNL/Surfactant/discussions/categories/q-a), or [open an issue](https://github.com/LLNL/Surfactant/issues/new/choose) for bug reports and feature requests. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome. Bug fixes or minor changes are preferred via a pull request to the [Surfactant GitHub repository](https://github.com/LLNL/Surfactant). For more information on contributing see the [CONTRIBUTING](./CONTRIBUTING.md) file. ## License Surfactant is released under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) and [NOTICE](./NOTICE) files for details. All new contributions must be made under this license. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT LLNL-CODE-850771