LORgames / premake-winrt

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Premake Extension to support Windows Runtime projects


This module extends the Visual Studio actions (premake5 vs2013)

Dictating the target device: (required)

system "windowsphone8.1"

Allowed values are "windowsstore8.0", "windowsstore8.1", "windowsphone8.0", "windowsphone8.1" and "windowsuniversal", supported systems is listed below in Notes.

ARM has been added to the list of supported platforms: (required if you're aiming for ARM devices)

platforms { "ARM" }

If you need to set the "Consume Windows Runtime Extension" property you can do so using (not required)

consumewinrtextension "false"

This property can be applied to individual files using: (not required)

filter { "files:WinRT_File.cpp" }
    consumewinrtextension "true"

If you need to deploy files (such as all the images listed in your Package.appxmanifest file, or a DLL that is built for WinRT): (required for assets)

filter { "files:Assets/*.png" }
    deploy "true"

If you need to disable the generation of the Windows Metadata file: generatewinmd "false"

If you need to provide a certificate and thumbprint for building a package:

certificatefile "certificate.pfx"
certificatethumbprint "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

I believe you need to dictate a "default language", this can be done using: (required?)

defaultlanguage "en-AU"

Finally, you will need the Package.appxmanifest file mentioned earlier. Unfortunately, this file can't be made using Visual Studio (atleast I couldn't find it), and it requires a number of things to be done to work properly.

If you run premake5 appxmanifest it will generate a base manifest for you to use, firstly you'll need to open it in a text editor and edit the following entries:

The rest of the values can either be edited here or in the built-in editor in Visual Studio. I recommend using the editor, as there's other kinds of images that can be added to the manifest.

You will need the following images to build and deploy:

If I have forgotten anything or if there is any issues, please open an issue (or pull request) and I'll try to get it sorted out.


Supported projects: