LPgenerator / django-db-mailer

Django module to easily send emails/sms/tts/push using django templates stored on database and managed through the Django Admin
GNU General Public License v2.0
257 stars 79 forks source link


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Documentation available at Read the Docs <http://django-db-mailer.readthedocs.org/>_.

What's that

| Django module to easily send emails/push/sms/tts using django templates stored in a database. | From box you can use it with django-celery for send background messages. | Also you have opportunity to create reports from logs by mail categories and slug. | Groups with Recipients and send by model signal also available by default. | Can be used without any depends from programming language as a external service. | That app very simple to install and use on your projects.


  1. Using pip:

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install django-db-mailer
  1. Add the dbmail application to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings file (usually settings.py)
  2. Sync database (./manage.py migrate).

Mail API

.. code-block:: python

from dbmail.models import MailTemplate
from dbmail import send_db_mail

# New dbmail template
    name="Site welcome template",
    subject="[{{prefix}}] Welcome {{full_name}}!",
    message="Hi, {{username}}. Welcome to our site.",

# Send message with created template
    # slug which defined on db template

    # recipient can be list, or str separated with comma or simple string
    # 'user1@example.com' or 'user1@example.com, user2@example.com' or
    # ['user1@example.com', 'user2@example.com'] or string Mail group slug

    # All *args params will be accessible on template context
        'username': request.user.username,
        'full_name': request.user.get_full_name(),
        'signup_date': request.user.date_joined,
        'prefix': "DbMail",

    # You can access to all model fields. For m2m and fk fields, you should use module_name

    # Optional kwargs:
    # backend='dbmail.backends.mail',
    # provider='apps.utils.some.mail.provider',
    # from_email='from@example.com'
    # cc=['cc@example.com'],
    # bcc=['bcc@example.com'],
    # user=User.objects.get(pk=1),
    # language='ru',
    # attachments=[(filename, content, mimetype)],
    # files=['hello.jpg', 'world.png'],
    # headers={'Custom-Header':'Some value'},
    # queue='default',
    # retry_delay=300,
    # max_retries=3,
    # retry=True,
    # time_limit=30,
    # send_after=60,
    # use_celery=True,


.. code-block:: python

from dbmail import send_db_sms

    # slug which defined on db template

    # recipient can be list, or str separated with comma or simple string
    # '+79031234567' or +79031234567, +79031234568, +79031234569' or
    # ['+79031234567', '+79031234568'] or string Mail group slug

    # All *args params will be accessible on template context
        'username': request.user.username,
        'full_name': request.user.get_full_name(),
        'signup_date': request.user.date_joined

    # You can access to all model fields. For m2m and fk fields, you should use module_name

    # Optional kwargs:
    # backend='dbmail.backends.sms',
    # provider='dbmail.providers.nexmo.sms',
    # from_email='DBMail'
    # user=User.objects.get(pk=1),
    # language='ru',
    # queue='default',
    # retry_delay=300,
    # max_retries=3,
    # retry=True,
    # time_limit=30,
    # send_after=60,
    # use_celery=True,

Text to speech API

.. code-block:: python

from dbmail import send_db_tts

    # slug which defined on db template

    # recipient can be list, or str separated with comma or simple string
    # '+79031234567' or +79031234567, +79031234568, +79031234569' or
    # ['+79031234567', '+79031234568'] or string Mail group slug

    # All *args params will be accessible on template context
        'username': request.user.username,
        'full_name': request.user.get_full_name(),
        'signup_date': request.user.date_joined

    # You can access to all model fields. For m2m and fk fields, you should use module_name

    # Optional kwargs:
    # backend='dbmail.backends.tts',
    # provider='dbmail.providers.nexmo.tts',
    # from_email='DBMail'
    # user=User.objects.get(pk=1),
    # language='ru',
    # queue='default',
    # retry_delay=300,
    # max_retries=3,
    # retry=True,
    # time_limit=30,
    # send_after=60,
    # use_celery=True,

Text to speech supported by default provider. But maybe not supported by your provider.

Push notification API

.. code-block:: python

from dbmail import send_db_push

    # slug which defined on db template

    # recipient can be list, or str separated with comma or simple string
    # '34cc3e5f0d2abf2ca0f9af170bd8cd2372a22f8a' or '34cc3e5f0d2abf2ca0f9af170bd8cd2372a22f8a, 34cc3e5f0d2abf2ca0f9af170bd8cd2372a22f8b' or
    # ['34cc3e5f0d2abf2ca0f9af170bd8cd2372a22f8a', '34cc3e5f0d2abf2ca0f9af170bd8cd2372a22f8b'] or string Mail group slug

    # All *args params will be accessible on template context
        'username': request.user.username,
        'full_name': request.user.get_full_name(),
        'signup_date': request.user.date_joined

    # You can access to all model fields. For m2m and fk fields, you should use module_name

    # Optional kwargs:
    # backend='dbmail.backends.push',
    # provider='dbmail.providers.prowl.push',
    # event='Server is down!',
    # from_email='ConsoleApp'
    # user=User.objects.get(pk=1),
    # language='ru',
    # queue='default',
    # retry_delay=300,
    # max_retries=3,
    # retry=True,
    # time_limit=30,
    # send_after=60,
    # use_celery=True,

DBMail Backends

By default django-dbmail used 4 built-in backends (Mail/Sms/Tts/Push). But nothing prevents to write your own backend to work with all that you want.

DBMail Providers

Battery have some built-in providers for most popular services, which will be used without any dependencies with built-in backends.

Push notifications for mobile apps:

Browser notifications:

Notifications for team:

SMS notifications:

Mail notifications:

You can find providers settings on docs.

Demo installation


.. code-block:: bash

$ git clone --depth 1 -b master https://github.com/LPgenerator/django-db-mailer.git db-mailer
$ cd db-mailer
$ docker build -t dbmail .
$ docker run -it -d -p 8000:8000 --name dbmail dbmail
$ docker exec -i -t dbmail /bin/bash
$ cd /mailer/


.. code-block:: bash

$ git clone --depth 1 -b master https://github.com/LPgenerator/django-db-mailer.git db-mailer
$ cd db-mailer
$ vagrant up --provider virtualbox
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /mailer/

OS X/Linux

.. code-block:: bash

$ sudo apt-get install -y virtualenvwrapper redis-server git python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev zlib1g-dev || brew install pyenv-virtualenvwrapper redis git
$ source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.sh || source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
$ mkvirtualenv db-mailer
$ workon db-mailer
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/LPgenerator/django-db-mailer.git db-mailer
$ cd db-mailer
$ python setup.py develop
$ cd demo
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python manage.py migrate --noinput
$ python manage.py createsuperuser --username admin --email admin@local.host
$ redis-server >& /dev/null &
$ python manage.py runserver >& /dev/null &
$ python manage.py celeryd -Q default >& /dev/null &

Open Shell:

.. code-block:: bash

$ python manage.py shell_plus --print-sql

Create new template:

.. code-block:: python

from dbmail.models import MailTemplate
from dbmail import send_db_mail

    name="Site welcome template",
    message="Welcome to our site. We are glad to see you.",

Try to send test email with created template (without celery):

.. code-block:: python

send_db_mail('welcome', 'user@example.com', use_celery=False)

Send email using celery:

.. code-block:: python

send_db_mail('welcome', 'user@example.com')

Check mail logs:

.. code-block:: python

from pprint import pprint
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from dbmail.models import MailLog

pprint([model_to_dict(obj) for obj in MailLog.objects.all()])

Open app in browser (login and password is admin/admin):

.. code-block:: bash

$ xdg-open >& /dev/null || open >& /dev/null

Additional information


For support template reversion, you can install django-reversion. Find information about compatibility with your Django versions here <http://django-reversion.readthedocs.org/en/latest/django-versions.html>_.


To enable editor, you may install and configure django-tinymce or django-ckeditor app.


django-db-mailer supported from box django-grappelli and django-suit skin. Information about compatibility available here <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-grappelli/2.5.3>_.


Install and configure django-celery for background message sending with priorities. You can find celery settings examples on demo project. We recommended to use django-celery-mon with django-celery for monitoring celery and supervisor processes.


For turns CSS blocks into style attributes, you can install premailer from PyPi.


For use different language on your mail templates, install django-modeltranslation or grappelli-modeltranslation. Add into settings.py:

.. code-block:: python

INSTALLED_APPS = ('modeltranslation',) + INSTALLED_APPS
# INSTALLED_APPS = ('grappelli', 'grappelli_modeltranslation', 'modeltranslation',) + INSTALLED_APPS

Update dbmail fields:

.. code-block:: bash

$ ./manage.py sync_translation_fields --noinput

Postmark Django Backend

Install python-postmark app via pip. Configure your settings:

.. code-block:: python

POSTMARK_SENDER = 'noreply@example.com'
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'postmark.django_backend.EmailBackend'

Amazon's Simple Email Service Django Backend

Install django-ses app via pip. Configure your settings:

.. code-block:: python

EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django_ses.SESBackend'

# These are optional -- if they're set as environment variables they won't
# need to be set here as well

# Additionally, you can specify an optional region, like so:
AWS_SES_REGION_NAME = 'us-east-1'
AWS_SES_REGION_ENDPOINT = 'email.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'

Note: You can use any backends designed as django email backend


.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install httpagentparser django-ipware geoip2

For track information about user, or about mail is read, you must be enable logging, and enable tracking on settings.

If you use Django 1.8, you should install geoip package instead of geoip2.


MJML is a markup language designed to reduce the pain of coding a responsive email. Install django-mjml app via pip and mjml via npm. And configure your settings:

.. code-block:: python


Older versions

Very simple version of this app, available here <https://github.com/LPgenerator/django-db-mailer/tree/1.0>_. That version do not include celery settings, bcc, api, mail settings, signals, mail groups and model browser.


All app features available only with django-celery and with Redis.

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install redis hiredis django-celery

External API usage

.. code-block:: python

from dbmail.models import ApiKey

ApiKey.objects.create(name='Test', api_key='ZzriUzE')

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install httpie
$ http -f POST api_key=ZzriUzE slug=welcome recipient=root@local.host data='{"name": "Ivan", "age": 20}'
$ apt-get install curl || brew install curl
$ curl -X POST --data 'api_key=ZzriUzE&slug=welcome&recipient=root@local.host&backend=mail'

API bandwidth is 1k+ rps on i7 2.3GHz

Responsive transactional HTML email templates

Fixtures with Base transactional HTML email templates was added into dbmail fixtures. This templates was optimized for desktop clients, web clients, mobile clients, various devices, various providers. Thanks for Mailgun Team. You can use it as default basic templates on your project.

.. code-block:: bash

python manage.py load_dbmail_base_templates



.. image:: /screenshots/template_edit.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/templates_changelist.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/template_log_changelist.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/template_log_view.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/group_change.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/signal_edit.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/signals_changelist.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/apps_view.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/apps_browse_vars.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/smtp_changelist.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/apikey_changelist.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/bcc_changelist.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/template_compare.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/tracking_edit.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/base_template_changelist.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/subscriptions_change.jpg .. image:: /screenshots/subscriptions_changelist.jpg
