LSPosed / LSPlant

A hook framework for Android Runtime (ART)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
814 stars 203 forks source link
android hook


LSPlant is an Android ART hook library, providing Java method hook/unhook and inline deoptimization.

This project is part of LSPosed framework under GNU Lesser General Public License.



Quick Start

repositories {

android {
    buildFeatures {
        prefab true

dependencies {
    implementation "org.lsposed.lsplant:lsplant:+"

If you don't want to include in your APK, you can use lsplant-standalone instead:

dependencies {
    implementation "org.lsposed.lsplant:lsplant-standalone:+"

1. Init LSPlant within JNI_OnLoad

Initialize LSPlant for the proceeding hook. It mainly prefetch needed symbols and hook some functions.

bool Init(JNIEnv *env,
          const InitInfo &info);

Returns whether initialization succeed. Behavior is undefined if calling other LSPlant interfaces before initialization or after a fail initialization.

2. Hook

Hook a Java method by providing the target_method together with the context object hooker_object and its callback callback_method.

jobject Hook(JNIEnv *env,
             jobject target_method,
             jobject hooker_object,
             jobject callback_method);

Returns the backup method. You can invoke it by reflection to invoke the original method. null if fails.

This function will automatically generate a stub class for hook. To help debug, you can set the generated class name, its field name, its source name and its method name by setting generated_* in InitInfo.

This function thread safe (you can call it simultaneously from multiple thread) but it's not atomic to the same target_method. That means UnHook or IsUnhook does not guarantee to work properly on the same target_method before it returns. Also, simultaneously call on this function with the same target_method does not guarantee only one will success. If you call this with different hooker_object on the same target_method simultaneously, the behavior is undefined.

3. Check

Check if a Java function is hooked by LSPlant or not.

bool IsHooked(JNIEnv *env,
              jobject method);

Returns whether the method is hooked.

4. Unhook

Unhook a Java function that is previously hooked.

bool UnHook(JNIEnv *env,
            jobject target_method);

Returns whether the unhook succeed.

Calling backup (the return method of Hook()) after unhooking is undefined behavior. Please read Hook()'s note for more details.

5. Deoptimize

Deoptimize a method to avoid hooked callee not being called because of inline.

bool Deoptimize(JNIEnv *env,
                jobject method);

Returns whether the deoptimizing succeed or not.

It is safe to call deoptimizing on a hooked method because the deoptimization will perform on the backup method instead.


Inspired by the following frameworks: