LSSTDESC / DC2_visitList

Code to create the list of visits to simulate for DC2.
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This repo contains the code to create the visit list to simulate in DC2 as well as the outputs. The code was first developed within the DC2_repo. Since only the final is necessary for the DC2 run itself, its better to have the code, and intermediate outputs outside the main repo. The relevant files were moved here from the fork while preserving history; following the steps listed here.

Code Details

The DC2_Run<>_visitList.ipynb notebooks run getDC2VisitList to produce the visit lists for Run 1-2; the specific Run number is in the respective notebook title. These notebooks save the visit lists across all six bands (available in this repo) as well as some GIF animations showing subsets of visits (produced by DC2VisitsSim). The GIFs are on NERSC at /global/homes/a/awan/desc/DC2_gifs and should be readable by anyone with lsst group affiliation.

Finally, create_per-band_lists.ipynb creates the per-band lists for Run 2 (after checking that the analog lists for Run 1.1 match those that were produced by this notebook). The code basically takes the all-band lists, appends expMJD column, groups the visits by band, and then saves obsHistID and expMJD columns for each band.

Region Coordinates

Misc notes: