LSSTDESC / DifferentiableHOS

Project to study higher order weak lensing statistics using differentiable simulations.
MIT License
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Differentiable Lensing Higher Order Statistics

Project to study higher order weak lensing statistics using differentiable simulations.

Project leads: @dlanzieri (PhD project), @EiffL, @modichirag

DESC members are most welcome to join the project, and can find more information on this confluence page.

The simulation code will be based on the open source FlowPM.

How to get started

We assume that you have TensorFlow 2.3 or 2.4 installed on your system.

You can first clone this repo and run the following command from the root folder of this project:

$ pip install --user -e .[testing]

This will install all the necessary dependencies and make the project available to you in your Python install for testing.