LSSTDESC / cosmodc2

Python package creating the cosmoDC2 synthetic galaxy catalog for LSST-DESC
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CosmoDC2 python package

This python package generates the cosmoDC2 synthetic galaxy catalog used by LSST-DESC for Data Challenge 2.

Code Overview

Here we provide the locations of the most important functions used to generate the cosmoDC2 synthetic galaxy catalog. Undocumented modules and notebooks are not intended to provide user-facing functionality.

Mock production scripts

The scripts driving the generation of the cosmoDC2 catalog are contained in the cosmodc2/scripts directory. In particular:

Models for the galaxy-halo connection

Stellar mass

Code implementing the model used in cosmoDC2 for stellar mass is located in the stellar_mass_remapping directory. The primary callable of interest is the remap_stellar_mass_in_snapshot function defined in the module.

Restframe optical color

Code implementing the model used in cosmoDC2 for broadband optical color is located in the sdss_colors directory. The primary callable of interest is the assign_restframe_sdss_gri function defined in the module.

Black holes

Code implementing the model used in cosmoDC2 for black hole mass and accretion rate is located in the black_hole_modeling directory. The primary callables of interest are:


Code implementing the model used in cosmoDC2 to map half-light radii onto the galaxy's bulge and disk component is located in the size_modeling directory. The primary callables of interest are the mc_size_vs_luminosity_early_type function and the mc_size_vs_luminosity_late_type function in the module.

Ultra-faint population

Code implementing the model used in cosmoDC2 to extend the resolution limits of the Outer Rim simulation to capture the ultra-faint galaxy population is located in the synthetic_subhalos directory. The primary callables of interest are:

Code versions

The following git tags can be used to check out various versions of the code: