LTUE / call-for-panelists

2020 Call for Panelists and backoffice
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Create a Presentation/Workshop Page #27

Closed JKJensen closed 4 years ago

JKJensen commented 5 years ago

There's some confusion about submitting a presentation that could be smoothed out by having a dedicated presentation page.

Create a Presentations page that looks like this: Presentation Workshop

Gallery Link

JKJensen commented 5 years ago

Here are example links you can use:

Self editing:

Coloring book:

Language creation:

Iiridayn commented 4 years ago

Ideally use - progressive disclosure. Bothersome to write w/o JS, but more usable.

JKJensen commented 4 years ago

Unneeded now that we're using a google form for Presentations

Iiridayn commented 4 years ago

Will this always be unneeded though? If we should want this data to go into the same backend system in the end, we'll probably need this or something similar.

JKJensen commented 4 years ago

That's a very good point. I had wanted to create a separate call for presentations and have that open for much longer than just the call for panelists stays open. But... hmm...

Would you be up for creating a Presentations/Workshop submission form this year? (We can reopen this task next year if need be)

Iiridayn commented 4 years ago

Sounds like we should maybe have two visually similar systems with the same accounts but different forms, and not reachable from each other since they have different dates. Or perhaps a single buffet style system. Either way, should be very feasible - but not for LTUE 2021 since as I understand we've already sent out the call for presentations, or need to immediately?