LTUE / call-for-panelists

2020 Call for Panelists and backoffice
2 stars 1 forks source link


Implementation Notes

We're using a router script so there's a single entry point, to reduce boilerplate. We're using surrogate keys in the database to support renaming.

Local Testing

Make sure you have database access from your home IP. Create an environment.conf file with the DB* constants. Run with php -S localhost:8000 -c php.ini.

To import, run something like tail -n +2 LTUE\ 2020\ Call.csv | php -c php.ini import.php.

Production Use

To export, run something like mysqldump --defaults-file=db.cnf ucevent1_LTUE > db-2019-09-03.sql.

DELETE FROM panels; - should remove all related table entries via foreign key cascading.