LUMII-Syslab / OBIS-SchemaExtractor

OBIS Schema Extractor
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 1 forks source link


OBIS Schema Extractor is Java based web application - REST controller to process data schema extraction from SPARQL endpoints or OWL/RDF files. The structure of the response JSON data schema format is described at


Deployment and Running

OBIS Schema Extractor artifact is packaged executable JAR file and needs Java 1.8 to run.

  1. install Java
  2. copy build/schema-extractor-exec.jar to any folder
  3. run executable JAR file java -jar schema-extractor-exec.jar
  4. navigate to http://server:port/swagger-ui.html (default URL - http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html)
  5. configure the parameters, as described on the browser page

If you need different port, run executable JAR file java -jar schema-extractor-exec.jar --server.port=1234

Available Services and Documentation

Schema Extractor RESTful APIs are expressed using JSON services and described in Swagger http://server:port/swagger-ui.html with requests and response models examples.

Service Type and Version Description
V1 SPARQL Endpoint Extract and analyze data from SPARQL endpoint and build full schema model (version 1)
V1 OWL/RDF File Extract and analyze schema from OWL ontology file and then enhance with data from SPARQL endpoint (if provided)
V2 SPARQL Endpoint Extract and analyze data from SPARQL endpoint and build full schema model (version 2)

SPARQL Endpoint Usage V1

GET http://server:port/schema-extractor-rest/v1/endpoint/buildFullSchema

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/schema-extractor-rest/v1/endpoint/buildFullSchema?endpointUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8890%2Fsparql&graphName=MiniUniv&version=fewComplexQueries&mode=full&enableLogging=false&excludeSystemClasses=true&excludeMetaDomainClasses=false&excludePropertiesWithoutClasses=true" -H "accept: application/json"

Example JSON response - SampleExtractedSchemaV1.json

SPARQL Endpoint Usage V2

POST http://server:port/schema-extractor-rest/v2/endpoint/buildFullSchema

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/schema-extractor-rest/v2/endpoint/buildFullSchema?endpointUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8890%2Fsparql&graphName=MiniUniv&calculateSubClassRelations=true&calculatePropertyPropertyRelations=true&calculateDomainAndRangePairs=true&calculateDataTypes=true&calculateCardinalitiesMode=propertyLevelAndClassContext&minimalAnalyzedClassSize=0&enableLogging=true" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"

Example JSON response - SampleExtractedSchemaV2.json

RDF/OWL File Usage

POST http://server:port/schema-extractor-rest/v1/owlFile/buildFullSchema

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/schema-extractor-rest/v1/owlFile/buildFullSchema?abstractPropertyThreshold=10&propertyInstanceCountThreshold=1000&calculateCardinalities=false" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@SampleTestOntology.owl;type="

Uploaded RDF/OWL schema information is converted to JSON format with data schema information.

Example RDF schema - SampleTestOntology.owl

Example JSON response - SampleTestOntology_Schema.json


Checkout the project from the GIT

$ cd OBIS-SchemaExtractor
$ mvn clean install
$ cd target
$ java -jar schema-extractor-exec.jar

If you are using IDEA, you can start services by directly running