LWT3437 / LANet

Source Code for “LANet: A Luminance Attentive Network with Scale Invariance for HDR Image Reconstruction” (PG 2021)
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Question about training dataset #7

Open majindong opened 8 months ago

majindong commented 8 months ago

hello, I have one question about the dataset. I opened the source you supply in the paper, such as https://polyhaven.com/hdris. But the website only has panoramic HDR image, and there is no LDR image. May I ask you how to get LDR panoramic image from HDR?Thanks a lot.

majindong commented 8 months ago

I have found that you synthetic LDR images from HDR data. Recently I'm also working on hdr reconstruction. May I ask you, do you have a download address for your processed dataset? Thank you very much!

LWT3437 commented 8 months ago

@majindong Thank you for your attention to our work. However, due to additional maintenance costs and potential copyright issues, I cannot provide download address of the processed images.