LWT3437 / LANet

Source Code for “LANet: A Luminance Attentive Network with Scale Invariance for HDR Image Reconstruction” (PG 2021)
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LANet: A Luminance Attentive Network with Scale Invariance for HDR Image Reconstruction


This is the author's reference implementation of the single-image HDR reconstruction using TensorFlow described in: "LANet: A Luminance Attentive Network with Scale Invariance for HDR Image Reconstruction"

The network architecture details are shown in "model.py" and the data processing is in "utils.py".



Pretrained model

The pretrained LANet checkpoints can be found in the checkpoints folder on Google Drive. The pretrained panoLANet checkpoints can be found in the checkpoints folder on Google Drive.


Parameters and their description:

checkpoint_dir: path to the trained models.
test_dir: input images directory. This project provides a few sample images.
out_dir: path to output directory.

See main.py for more settable parameters.